Howdy! As stated in the title, me and a buddy of mine have been bouncing around here recently trying to find a good time sink. I convinced him to give WoW classic a go, and we are looking for a guild that raids primarily on the weekend, maybe friday with a saturday or sunday threw in there. We are both adults who have WoW’d before and know the game (may have changed since I last played years ago), noticed a ton of guilds so figure’d going this avenue might help narrow down my search lol. Thank you in advance!
Not sure if you want to go horde or w/e server but here is our guild advertisement on Pagle server Alliance. Down the road could you get a spot? Possibly depending.
Hey Maloota!
I think The Basement would be a great fit for you and your buddy! Our community is very active 7 days a week, and our raids are Friday/Sunday/Monday at 8pm EST respectively on Westfall server. We’re a mix of new and veteran players and value having an open guild atmosphere. If you like to hangout in Discord and have off-game nights or movie nights with your online crew we’re the home for ya!
Feel free to add my btag: Liayda#1347 or get ahold of me in game. Look forward to hearing from you!
Hi Maloota,
A few of us rerolled about 2 weeks ago. We are currently leveling to 60. Some of us are already 30-40 but we have new players all the time so you would not be alone while leveling. The guild has really grown very fast and we have between 20-40 members online almost 24/7. We have end game experience but we will start this progression together once we hit 60. This is a rare chance to be a part of a guilds core raid team from the start. Not to be carried through on their 2nd or 3rd raid team. Come check us out if this sounds interesting. Good luck either way.