Couple of friends on Illidan lf a guild focused on keys and H raid

Hey there. This might be a pipe dream but we’re looking for a guild where people are really active doing keys at a higher level but also aren’t too cliquey. We also like to raid a little more casually but not too casual. AOTC is probably the main focus but are also open to some mythic raiding. I am a ret pal and my friend is fury warr. I realize just finding a guild that wants a ret is hard to find by itself but I am what I am. I do also play holy but am not totally happy with the state of h pal atm. Anyways, if this remotely sounds like your guild let me know. I think we’re open to changing servers but would prefer to stay on Illidan. I’m shel#1683 on bnet.

Sounds like what I’ve been hunting for for months now.
Most guilds claim to be non-cliquey but end up being nothing but a clique.

Hello There Shelis!

We are Gamer Down, a new guild formed during S3 of Dragonflight. And we think you would be a good fit for our roster

While getting AOTC is a focus of ours, we also like to push our limits in Mythic. Our current progression is 3/8M, 3/9M, and 4/9M in the awakened raids. We are looking to add more players to our mythic roster for s4 and The War Within to push for CE. We also have a ton of m+'ers who love to push keys late into the night!

Our raid times are Tuesday/Thursday 10pm - 1am EST

Message our Raid Leader to join:

Discord: aartlay
Bnet: <Aartlay#1235>

Or reach out to me with any questions:

Discord: baconic
Bnet: <Baconator#11729>

You can view our full post here:[AREA 52] GAMER DOWN | Mythic Progression Guild TUES/THURS 10pm - 1am EST | LFM DPS/HEALS

hah, that’s why i said it’s a pipe dream.

hey there! heres my guilds recruitment post. take a look and see if we might be a fit for you! :slight_smile:

we do have some people that are interested in pushing higher keys, but were kinda chillin for s4 since its not a real season. if you have any questions, feel free to reach out! <3


My guild Betrayed Saints on stormrage is looking for more people to push the mythic + track… we have people jumping in but hesitant at higher level, but with that said we have people who are eager to try harder content and we are new 35ish members! So no cliques we are a social casual guild!

Discord - jewbaccathehut

Hey… we would be a great fit for you. Please message me on discord Graceffa