Couple of Casuals Looking for a Home


Myself and my wife are looking for a social home. We’re former mythic raiders from back in Legion who have returned for a more laid back, social experience. We’re based on Hyjal and aren’t really looking to step back into the raid scene, apart from a normal run every blue moon.

If anyone has any recommendations that would be greatly appreciated.

We’re based on Hyjal and prefer horde side.

Thank for reading.

Hey Ballooh, welcome back! Apply to us in game and I will accept it when I see it. Visibly Confused and we are mostly horde on Hyjal as well.

We are on area 52, but hear me out. I keep hearing next expansion we are suppose to have cross realm guilds. So you can join our discord and in game community until then if you do not want to leave hyjal.

Glorious Purpose aims to be a competitive end-game progression guild on Area 52 Horde (don’t worry we do welcome you alliance folks :heart: ). We are a core of players that are here to enjoy the game, but also respect the aims to approach raiding, and progressing in a competitive manner. Our goals are to build a officer core that sets the example in stable and experienced leadership, where we are available to all members at all times. We aim to build a core raid team that are all players that stand out in their classes, and commit to raid nights.

Progression: Leaders are AOTC, 1/9M (through pugs currently)

Raid Schedule:

Tuesday/Wednesday - 8:00 - 11:00PM EST (Progression Raiding)

Additional activities are currently being added through the calendar to better support our core raiders and make raid times more convenient for those interested.

Mythic Keys
Aiming to build a strong, active Key running community, where we are pushing high keys and IO.

Recruitment (Raid) Information:

Is currently looking for experienced and competitive team raiders to complete its core.

Currently Recruiting: Immediate Needs.

:dagger: All Spots are open (Guild is new and building team, if you are interested I ask for patience as we build. I promise you, its worth the wait)

All competitive applicants are welcome to apply

While not hard requirements, as we want to maintain a laid back / chill raiding environment we do expect you to do your homework. Come prepared to raid, study the fights prior to raid night, run mythic + for free vault upgrades, bring personal consumables. Show up on time.

What can we offer you?

:dagger: Very experienced and structured Leadership
:dagger: Mythic +, Normal / Heroic / Mythic Raiding Weekly.
:dagger: A environment where your time is valued, and appreciated.
:dagger: A forever home, like you, we are tired of the instability of guilds and want a home.
:dagger: A place where your guildmates will become friends.
:dagger: Free guild repair / supplies for raid.

Overall, i aim to recruit players that are driven, competitive and always looking to improve themselves and their team-mates. We use our time efficiently, maintain focus, and exercise discipline where required. We don’t wish to waste your time (during raid/Keys etc), please don’t waste ours. However, On farm content nights, atmosphere is more relaxed. Our time is precious, and we know your’s is as well. Efficiency is our goal.

If you feel this is something you’d wanna take part in you can add me on bnet at GucciPotato#11592 or join our discord

I think it’s time to reroll.

I dont have a snazzy add about how great my guild is, but id love to talk to you. Add me on discord or in game and lets chat about the possibilities.

Discord: gunfighter0369
Bnet: Grimmskull#1361

Hope to talk soon!

Hey, appreciate the reply. Unfortunately we’re not looking for a raiding guild at this time.