Council of Gnomeregan [Gnome Project RP]

The Council of Gnomeregan calls to all the people of Gnomeregan and Mechagon to assert their right to representation in The High Tinker’s Government by joining the Council in its mission to serve the Gnomish people.

WHO: Open to all Gnomes, Mechagnomes, and other Citizens of Gnomeregan. If you are unsure about your character just reach out and ask!
WHAT: Gnome RP of all kinds. While the Council is political RP there are many roles and openings that do not require participation in the Council directly. Just ask and we can try to find a place for you!
WHERE: Meetings typically occur in one of several meeting spots in Mechagon or Gnomeregan territory. Summons are almost always available. Other events take place wherever is needed. RP happens in Discord too.
WHEN: Meetings usually take place at around 7:30 server time. We cycle through Fri, Sat, and Sun so that people can attend more often.

JOIN OUR DISCORD HERE: https:// EzkMtkrKDN (Remove extra spaces)

Joining is simple and easy! All you have to do is join our discord, agree to the rules, and then fill out the simple application form in the registration channel. It is only five questions and very quick to fill out! Once you are approved you will be able to jump right in as a full member!

Membership of the Council is limited to Citizens of Gnomeregan. This has been taken to mean gnomes, mechagnomes, and those who RP as other mechanical beings that might be associated with the Gnomish people. There are provisions for non-Gnomish races to be included, but it is on a case by case basis and your character must have a very strong connection to Gnomeregan and reason for doing so.


The Council maintains eight Secretariats to aid in the functioning of the Gnomish state and to facilitate the needs of the Gnomish people. We encourage all gnomes, whether they are council members or not, to look into the secretariats that may be of interest to you and see how you can join and help!

We encourage all members to jump in and see what they might be interested in doing. There are many RP opportunities in each Secretariat and we strongly urge members to create RP with them for the enjoyment of everyone involved with the project.

Culture & Interior

The Secretariat of Culture & The Interior is responsible for both overseeing, promoting, hosting, and informing of cultural affairs, events, and celebrations for Gnomanity as a whole and the council in particular as well as overseeing and helping to develop goods and services for the wellbeing of the Gnomish people. Such services include public works and services, jobs, infrastructure, building projects, and other similar such affairs.

Foreign Affairs

The Foreign Secretariat is the external face of the Council of Gnomeregan and the Gnomish people. Headed by the Secretary for Foreign Affairs, it is responsible for ensuring diplomatic representation of the Council to foreign bodies, as well as receiving foreign representatives to the Council.


The Secretariat of Health works internally to help ensure and promote the health of all Gnomes as well as externally with organizations such as the Grand Alliance Medical Association(G.A.M.A.) and other bodies to help provide, promote, and protect Gnomish Citizens.


The Secretariat of Justice is responsible for oversight of the Gnomish system of justice. In charge of facilitating, overseeing, bringing charges, and laying out the course of trials, they also may assist in the creation of laws which could result in fines, jail time or more serious situations.

Magical Affairs

The Secretariat for Magical Administration is the authority which seeks to guide, advise, and at times regulate the use of magic within Gnomish territory and by Gnomish Citizens. Led by the First Mage of Gnomeregan, the Secretariat also offers advice and avenues for training and advancement to qualified candidates. The Secretariat often works closely with other magical powers.

Science, Research, and Education

The Secretariat of Science, Research, and Education is responsible for helping to promote ingenuity, learning, and growth throughout all of Gnomanity. From undertaking massive research projects, to providing funding for private initiatives, to encouraging and keeping track of the many brilliant inventions come up with by Gnomes and the members of the Council

Treasury & Trade

The Secretariat of the Treasury helps to maintain, promote, and grow the finances of the Council. Responsible for the collection of taxation, the investment in business opportunities, and the promotion of fiscal success for Gnomanity.


The Secretariat of War is led by the Secretary of War who takes the lead for the defense of Gnomeregan and her interests. While not in complete command of all the Gnomish military, they have the necessary experience to help coordinate the combined military sectors and Gnomeregan’s forces.


Nothing but the utmost support!

Check it out if you have any interest in gnome related role play!


I’m Aulyo and I support this message! Good vibes all around!


Our next meeting is on August 26th at 7:30 server time in Mechagon! Everyone is welcome to attend. If you have any questions you can ping me in our discord.

This is really cool

By any chance do you raid?

While there are Gnome guilds involved in the project, the project itself is not a guild so much as a Gnome community so we haven’t really done any raids yet.

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We are having a meeting tomorrow the 9th at 8:30 server time in Mechagon! You can get to Mechagon via a teleporter in the Rustbolt Resistance town or you can just whisper Nillan in game and hopefully we will have warlocks for summons (we usually do)

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These gnomes seem cool.