BLZBNTAGT00000840 is the code I get after the 11.1 update. I don’t know if it was playable or not, but before I launched the game after the update, I saw tile on the app to play World of Warcraft Plunderstorm, I clicked play, and the app told me it had to update World of Warcraft for me to play it, this is when I first got the error. After it the only option was update (instead of play).
I tried rebooting, nothing. So I uninstalled, then clicked install, got the error again. So I clicked uninstall, reboot my pc, then clicked install again, got the same error again. So the game is now uninstalled, and doesn’t appear I can even install it.
I am running Pop!_OS 22.04 LTS running the app through Lutris. I’ve had WoW installed since the beginning of The War Within, its always ran flawlessly, I’ve never had any issues until right now, and now it appears I can’t even reinstall the game.
Not super familiar with Linux, but sounds a lot like a permission issue?
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Thanks for the quick reply. I actually did try to repair the game before I uninstalled it, I forgot to mention that. What’s weird is I’ve never had to give any permission before because its managed through the app.
I should have never clicked play Plunderstorm, I don’t even know what it is. I’ll try to reinstalled I guess.
Hmm. I don’t think would be able to manage folder permissions, especially as you’re running it through a [translation?] layer, though clearly you had enough access to remove the game.
I’d consider setting the game folder 777 and seeing that helps.
Mind you I’m just guessing here, hence the super basic suggestions. I don’t use Linux on the regular, I’ve never used Lutrix, and I’ve definitely never tried Pop!
I am also unable to run WoW through Lutris.
Worked perfectly fine before the Plunderstorm update - was able to open my vault. Now I get BLZBNTAGT00000840. Completely uninstalling everything and reinstalling does not fix the issue. Sigh.
I’m also facing the same issue using Pop!_OS.
I’ve even gone as far as removing ALL Blizzard-related files from my machine (along with multiple system reboots) and attempted to start over. No dice.
I don’t know what happened, but something with Blunderstorm borked Retail WoW with Lutris.
I see this in my wine prefix’s drive_c/ProgramData/
[W 2025-01-15 03:17:41.0289] Failed to verify Certificate chain policy: 2148204809
Problem with the certificates?
other error in the curl log file:
[W 2025-01-15 03:41:14.0622] Validation Failure downloading "" - Expected: 3ca57fe7319a297346440e4d2a03a0cd, Actual: 00000000000000000000000000000000
[I 2025-01-15 03:41:14.0622] Changing Request for handle 0BA24560 to
[W 2025-01-15 03:41:14.0762] Validation Failure downloading "" - Expected: 3ca57fe7319a297346440e4d2a03a0cd, Actual: 00000000000000000000000000000000
[I 2025-01-15 03:41:14.0762] Changing Request for handle 0BA24560 to
[W 2025-01-15 03:41:14.0878] Validation Failure downloading "" - Expected: 3ca57fe7319a297346440e4d2a03a0cd, Actual: 00000000000000000000000000000000
[I 2025-01-15 03:41:14.0878] Changing Request for handle 0BA24560 to
[W 2025-01-15 03:41:14.0986] Validation Failure downloading "" - Expected: 3ca57fe7319a297346440e4d2a03a0cd, Actual: 00000000000000000000000000000000
[I 2025-01-15 03:41:14.0986] Changing Request for handle 0BA24560 to
[W 2025-01-15 03:41:15.0105] Validation Failure downloading "" - Expected: 3ca57fe7319a297346440e4d2a03a0cd, Actual: 00000000000000000000000000000000
[I 2025-01-15 03:41:15.0105] Changing Request for handle 0BA24560 to
[W 2025-01-15 03:41:15.0212] Validation Failure downloading "" - Expected: 3ca57fe7319a297346440e4d2a03a0cd, Actual: 00000000000000000000000000000000
[I 2025-01-15 03:41:15.0212] Changing Request for handle 0BA24560 to
[W 2025-01-15 03:41:15.0321] Validation Failure downloading "" - Expected: 3ca57fe7319a297346440e4d2a03a0cd, Actual: 00000000000000000000000000000000
[I 2025-01-15 03:41:15.0321] Changing Request for handle 0BA24560 to
[W 2025-01-15 03:41:15.0436] Validation Failure downloading "" - Expected: 3ca57fe7319a297346440e4d2a03a0cd, Actual: 00000000000000000000000000000000
[I 2025-01-15 03:41:15.0436] Changing Request for handle 0BA24560 to
[W 2025-01-15 03:41:15.0542] Validation Failure downloading "" - Expected: 3ca57fe7319a297346440e4d2a03a0cd, Actual: 00000000000000000000000000000000
[W 2025-01-15 03:41:15.0542] Attempts exhausted (10 total) for handle 0BA24560
Looks like it’s going through a list of servers and failing. Can access that file fine though, it’s just the text key-4eb4869f95f23b53 = c9316739348dcc033aa8112f9a3acf5d
Maybe networking issue that will fix itself? 
That may be handy to forward both to Blizzard and to Lutris.
Unlikely helpful to Blizzard, they don’t support Linux.
Some players might know more in Tech Support, however. I might also suggest the off-topic Gaming forum.
Something happened after the update cause im getting the same error on Linux Mint.
Well, I just tried reinstalling, which went fine. I tried reinstalling wow again, it initialized all the way through, started the download (wouldn’t go past initialization before) and then failed with same error when it got to about 200mb/500mb of the download (well the first download I assume because I know the game is much larger).
Super frustrating because its worked all through The War Within, its my birthday and I was excited 11.1 dropped so I was ready to check it out.
I’ll keep you guys updated as I find new information, please continue to post here with any solutions/progress made for other Linux users.
I’m going to keep an eye on this thread and see if there’s a solution posted soon.
If not, I’m just going to cancel my sub. I refuse to use Windows again.
11.1 has not been released to Retail as of yet, it is only on PTR for now.
As far as Linux goes for WoW, it is not supported by Blizzard at all. You’d be responsible for resolving any issues when using Blizzard’s software on an unsupported operating system.
Since Linux uses a different file system structure than Windows, the Desktop App may have issues updating certain files, which would explain the error you have encountered.
Your only available option would be to report this to the distribution’s development team as well as to Lutris.
I went to this folder, and I noticed from when I launch to when I click install wow, it creates about 16 different log files, but some are very long and I’m not sure what it all means.
Also I did try to install Cataclysm, just to see if it would work, it downloaded about 300mb and failed the same way as retail.
I was able to get in game by modifying Lutris to point to the Wow.exe rather than the launcher. This suggests that the launcher did patch the game up to current and is just stuck not recognizing that fact.
Too bad I deleted everything
fresh install doesn’t work, so I don’t think it’s just about not recognizing the files are already updated. Probably your version is not up to date, but it’s still compatible with the servers
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Edit and move this to tech support nothing realy can be done here.
If you are using Lutris, try changing the runner to something newer.
In my case, I was using wine-ge-8-26-x86_64
. I changed it to UMU-Latest
(which I think it’s running Wine 9.22) and the update went through without issues.
Things I tried before this:
- Scan and Repair
- Closing the prefix completely with
WINEPREFIX=~/path/to/battle/net/ wineserver -k
I changed the runner after I tried both of these, and it worked.
I ran into the same error after the update. I run the game on Linux Mint 22 Cinnamon using Bottles and the soda-9.0-1 runner.
In the Launcher, the scan and repair utility was not successful. I then tried to uninstall and reinstall the game which also failed with the same error code.
I was able to fix this by creating a new bottle with a fresh install of the Launcher, and then installing the game from there. I am back in the game now. You will have to set up all your add-ons again.
I hope this helps somebody else out there.
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I vaguely recall an issue, maybe a couple of years ago now, involving some arcane Windows permission that didn’t translate properly. SE Linux stuff maybe?
I tried not only uninstalling everything, I also deleted all Bliz stuff from the registry. Did not help. Not only cannot reinstall WoW, but can’t install D3 or D4 either.
Should note am running 10.0-rc5 (staging).
Also tried running WoW directly instead of via bnet – seems to work, so going to try to restore from backup and see how that goes.
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