Could you Imagine being 5 years old in Stormwind

Could you Imagine being 5 years old in Stormwind and seeing a “friendly” Horde walk by you

Think little timmy just pooped his pants


Not if little Timmy grew up in a world where the Horde was always friendly.

Think of the future generations of Azeroth and unite, people.


Probably about the same as seeing a blue alien with horns and tentacles shaped like a refrigerator walk by

or a death knight with glowing blue eyes that smells like a garbage heap that all the guards are throwing fruit at

or an elf with horns and wings which the older kids say is an actual demon, but apparently on your side now?

Times Change


I don’t think little Timmy has anything to worry about in that department. We might be “friendly” to one another but the guards will treat them like the filth they are.

Little Timmy would wonder when elf boys got so much prettier, so used to the hunching, heavy-browed nelves… And then my felhunter would eat him.


Dude, the kids in Goldshire perform profane rituals, I’m pretty sure most kids in WoW are problem children with PTSD by the age of 10…

Children’s day is career day for us teaching orphans how to be the next generation of Doom guys…


He’ll be fine, he knows he’s pvp disabled


I haven’t seen anything to suggest yet that Horde players will be able to enter Stormwind. Last I checked, Stormwind was not premade instanced content.

Alliance can enter Orgrimmar though. You know for that whole siege dealio.

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Oh I know what happens next, little Timmy’s mom calls the stormwind guard on the horde and then the guards kill the horde person. If you ask me that horde person should have known better and what sick world he lives in and should have stay away from the Alliance for his own self preservation.

So you believe that hatred is a genetic trait in Wow then?

I don’t know of any children IRL that hate anyone from that young unless someone teaches them to hate.

When I was 5, I was obsessed with Freddy Krueger. I had convinced myself that Satan was my real father and that if I wore my plastic and leather Freddy glove while I slept under my bed, Freddy would come get me and teach me how to stalk and kill in dreams.

I slept under the bed for 3 or 4 months before I gave up.

I think I’d follow the Horde as a 5 year old from Stormwind and try to defect to their faction.

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That would be sad actually ,when all you heard was your Mom and dad died in a war and horde was the cause and now you are an orphan as a result.

Well…If I was “Little Timmy” growing up in Stormwind, I would at least ask my parents if I could have a Tauren as my Best Friend.


At a young age ,no but if they experience it in front of them they would certainly will. At 5 you do most certainly will.

Why just yesterday one of my Horde alts snuck into Stormwind and publicly slaughtered an Auctioneer.

But it’s ok see, the Undead quest giver assured me she was a demon in disguise and I got a cool mount for it. :fox_face:

I have some toys that let me give me the illusion of opposite faction. No one BATS an eye when I walk through my faction city.

Not even Little Timmy.

“What do you want to be when you grow up, Timmy?”

“I wanta be a murder hobo rogue, just like dad! Then I can mug a visiting Horde…an’ if he catches me, I’ll slit ‘s throat an’ vanish!”

“Ah, the traditional choice! Good boy, Timmy.”

I don’t think it’ll result even eventually in us being allowed in each other’s cities. There are too many faction specific quests and other issues with that.

I’m continually terrified that you’re a real person.

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