Could we PLEASE get a mailbox in front of the bank?

I can’t tell you how maddening it is to come out of the bank with something for an alt or my partner only to mount up and fly across the center to the inn. The area is very market centric, it’s not unreasonable that there would be a need within the game’s universe to put one there, nevermind just it being a nice QoL change.


Its not even that far a walk…


There’s literally a mailbox right next to the inn, I don’t think it’ll hurt your little hooves by walking over that all that much.

The inn and the auction house both have one right outside so its not even a far walk from the bank to either of those

I don’t think another mailbox would hurt to be honest.


Come to the VoEB engineering AH… we’d love to have you!

I can see both sides here. On the one hand, sure, it’s not far to go. But on the other, would another mailbox be a huge ask?

I agree, but Valdraken is still waaay better than Oribos.


Be a nightborne and get the racial for a mailbox :sunglasses:

There’s also a a toy you can get from Legion Dalaran that acts as a mailbox, called Katy’s Stampwhistle - one of the best toys to date

So im going back to old content to farm some mats to sell engineering mounts to make some money currently. Becuase the ammo i can make only sells worth it if it procs to rank 3.

And i forgot something from Pandaria.
MoP had literally THE BEST, AH for engineers EVER, the mailbox was literally right next to the AH, god i missed that.

The logical move would be a Mailbox toy. Placing mailbox at every corner is horrible design.

Right, could you imagine living in a world where mail could be delivered and picked at each building on a street… preposterous!

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and several mail box toys we get

and the engineering ones also
and they don’t share the same cd

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I’m really excited to see even more Brutosaurs, Yaks, and Red Proto-Drakes in the little central area when they add a third mailbox to congregate around.

There is also one from Dragonflight - Ohuna Perch.

Unless you live in a community where the mailbox is a giant central location with several. Like a apartment complex.

I’m definitely on Team: Mailbox Outside the Bank. The hike to the inn or across to the AH is just long enough to be annoying, especially since I have to hit up the bank WAY more this expansion with each reagent having like twenty different versions.


Could also use one by the crafting stations.

Right, like why not? I just get a kick out of how everyone comes to these forums with their fists already up, just looking to fight about anything.

OP makes a reasonable low-impact QoL suggestion and everyone jumps on him like he’s some lazy swine for wanting a mailbox at a very frequently used location lol. Oh just use the mail toys you may or may not have or engineering consumables! Or… maybe there could just be one more mailbox in the game?

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