Could we increase the 50 character cap limit?

What is the point of being nasty to me? And how does having a second account make me stupid?

You aren’t even debating the point being made; you’re giving a farce solution.

The person is asking for the cap to be raised (which it should be) not for how to subvert the system to make more alts.

It’s fine if you want to buy two accounts, but you shouldn’t pretend like that’s a real solution.

How is it not a real solution? Two accounts gives you 100 slots.

No it does not. Two accounts gives you two separate 50 slot accounts. It is not a real solution to what is being asked.

And you have to ask yourself why they even have to offer an opinion given that they ARENT AFFECTED IN ANY CONCEIVABLE WAY .
But hey…some folks just have to have their nose in everyone elses business…you know…just because.


No, it shouldn’t be. Start deleting some characters you don’t play because one day, they’ll all be gone anyway.

Imagine being this dumb.

I can’t imagine being as dumb as you. Sorry. :man_shrugging:

That ship sailed long ago.

“Instead of a solution, conform to my style of playing!”

It’s becoming amusing that you called me stupid for making a solution that will get you 100 slots now but to you it’s not a solution because you don’t like it.

Whatevs. Keep being nasty to people. I’m sure that will work.

It must be terrible for you to be all alone on that dinghy. :frowning:

Most players dont want two separate accounts to have to pay $60 + $15 more a month for, not counting having two buy the extra expansion every time one comes out.
What confuses me is why anyone who isnt a blizzard employee or investor would even take the time to care that players are asking for more slots.
I mean, only if I was OCDing about other peoples game for some reason…or maybe looking at the extra $$$ for that extra account, would I even be interested enough to form an opinion on the matter.

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I resemble that remark.


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Tends to.
And your “solution” does ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to address the problem initially brought up, which is raising the single account cap.

Which I already have explained with an adequate analogy, but that seems to elude you.

I hope you make a mechagnome who accompanies you and sets out disc drives instead of cookies for people to eat.

You can buy the game on sale for extremely cheap if you give it time. You can pay for you sub with gold. If you have more than 50 alts, you probably don’t have a gold problem.

I don’t care and I’m not against it. I was giving the OP the only solution to the problem of wanting more character slots.

But hey, being angry and/or nasty to people that have nothing to do with this decision is bound to work. Nm the fact Blizzard hasn’t budged on 50 slots per account in 15 years…

No, it doesn’t elude me but you seem to think your attitude is a solution to… something. I don’t know.

My suggestion will get what the OP wants now.

Hm, but eating disc drives isn’t nearly as yummy as cookies.


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I never really saw the appeal of having the full 50 characters. One of each class & race is enough for me, and even then, I hardly play any of my alts because WoW has just become so alt unfriendly. Also starting to get bored with the game.

Only workaround of a solution*

The solution that would work for both sides is honestly the suggestion to purchase 10 extra slots for x dollars.

And I’m surprised they haven’t jumped at this idea. There’s a lot of money for them to grab here for very little work.

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