Could we add a track number of deaths feature?

Hello! I’m Jhaman a member of the Hardcore Classic WoW Community. I’ve been playing World of Warcraft Classic since launch and at the beginning of this year I decided to give Hardcore Classic a shot. Its been incredible. I love playing this way and it makes me love the game even more.

I recently hit 60 on my first hardcore character. Until recently Game Masters have been willing and able to tell players how many deaths they have. Its nice to get Blizzard confirmation to screenshot and show other players that you did indeed hit 60 without dying once.

Blizzard has since changed its policies and no longer allows Game Masters to divulge this information. I received a reply from a game master telling me the information is very easy for them to retrieve but that its not something they are allowed to give to the player.

They suggested that I ask for a death tracking feature be added to the game so that Blizzard Support doesn’t have to answer any tickets for people trying to track certain statistics about their character.

So that’s what I’m here for. The Hardcore community has over 6,000 people. And the number of times people tell me that they came back to Classic WoW to try hardcore has been too many to count. Its a daily occurrence. Would love for Blizzard to show some love for this little, growing community. Allow us to track our deaths in the game. So we can show others our dedication to this gamestyle. A “/deaths” command would be incredible.

Thanks! Sorry for the wall of text. Love you guys. I’d be happy to answer any questions people have about the Hardcore community if you’ve never heard of it before.


If it’s tracked in the system I feel like there’s probably a way toprint it into chat with a script, like the IsQuestFlaggedCompleted query.

Just need Blizz to pipe in on what the command is, or someone to brute force it.

If Blizz want to make it in-line with their own system they can just add it to /played.
Total time played:
Time played this level:
Deaths in Player vs Player:
Deaths in Player vs Environment:


Very impressed


Commenting for visibility! I would love this feature. Having the GM confirmation of no deaths means a lot to us, so having a way to bypass submitting a ticket would be huge! Thank you to anyone who can help.


Typical. Customer support being completely and utterly useless.


Hello I’m MadRoboto and I approve this message.

The Hardcore community is what brought me back into playing and I’ve never enjoyed WoW as much. It would be great to see some recognition for a community that is bringing you back players.


People are pouring thousands of hours into Classic playing Hardcore. Please help us acknowledge their dedication to the game <3


Ignorant comment.

Gee I wonder why they no longer do that. I’d imagine there’s a lot more pressing stuff for blizzard employees to do than to report player death counts to individual players. Lol

Yeah I don’t think that’s such a big request. I’m not in the HC community but I’d be ok with this change.


Sadly blizzard just doesn’t care anymore. Things like this will never be added due to the fact that it won’t generate $$$.

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I agree. Blizzard doesn’t want to keep reporting death counts to players through the ticket system. Usually only players who hit 60 actually submit a ticket though. And there’s been less than 30 individuals as of this moment. Still I understand the policy and hope someone can help us out. Make it better for everyone.



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No changes.

Did vanilla have it? No? Then no.

[quote="Iscariah-kirtonos, post:13, topic:6

47655, full:true"]
Did vanilla have it? No? Then no.

But we already have substantial changes from Vanilla in the game. Modern raid frames, the modern macro system, Custom Battleground Wargames, 5 man queues for Alterac Valley, etc,. I disagree that this change is something that breaks or goes against the Spirit of Vanilla.


I don’t know if you’ve already done so, but there is an option to make a suggestion in-game. (Of course, there’s no feedback. Here, at least, you get other players’ feedback.)

Stats were something I think they added to the Armory around the same time as Achievements, and showed in the same window in-game. Without adding Achievements, I’m not sure they have an existing UI to provide that. Someone above mentioned possibly having a script option, which would be more likely - let someone else (addon builder) create the UI, rather than trying to add something that is not native to either vanilla or Retail.

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Are you saying a command line modification to /played is going to wreck your immersion?


The entirety of Classic goes against the spirit of vanilla.

Support the community’s :comet::fire:


If you truly feel this way, try Hardcore. Its been amazing. Feels like the spirit of Vanilla. Every moment matters. Every quest reward, every vendor, every profession. And you don’t have to log in and out for world buffs and then wait to play your character.


+1 I’d love a way to confirm no deaths for the Classic Hardcore challenge.