Could the new mists event have a garrosh option

I was thinking this could be a chance to change some things in Mists.
This would be number 1 for me but there are also some minor things like giving Alliance a better questing experience instead of joining Voljin.
Since SoD had a few lore bits here and there they could do the same with this mists event.

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Kinda confused as Vol’jin isn’t exposed to the alliance until the Barrens event and Orgrimmar. :robot::thought_balloon:

That’s what I mean. That and the robot cat thing. I never did it but I heard a lot of complaining.

I think Alliance could’ve built Tiragarde Keep and used that as a base of operations instead. It’s kind of weird they didn’t acknowledge the Alliance NPCs that were in Durotar already.

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Moratori rules out changing the timeline.

When studying the timelines, we infinite dragons usually seek to change things for the better. But Nozdormu has told us to leave these events as they were.

Luckily, he didn’t say anything about changing your part in them!

We will always find a way to conduct proper research.

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I don’t think we should sweat that as recently the horde have been lacking exposure and impact. :world_map::robot:

…sorry for the thoughts with nihilism. :pray:

Odd we’re seen the infinite in the blue bloodfang outfit, wonder what happened to the infinite armor and tabards? :robot::thought_balloon:

edit: Just a nitpick. :robot::thought_balloon:

I think the option to stay loyal to Sylvanas in the conflict between her and Saurfang was done to appease the outcry from Sylvanas fans. That said, I think it’d be a good option to add to Mists for Garrosh, even if it is giving Mists the George Lucas treatment.