Could someone please give me feedback on my action bar setup?


Could someone please give me feedback on my action bar setup for my Fury Warrior (Orc).

Here is the link of the screenshot.

imgur .com/a/hoodNdB

(Please delete the space after imgur)

I have marked the first bar as 1, the 2nd as 2.

Thank you!

That looks good to me. The only suggestion I could give would be to move Battle Shout onto the second bar since it’s a buff, not a rotational ability, but that’s up to you.

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Done! Thank you!

The way I see it is that a spell’s position on the bars isn’t really important. What’s important is what button it is bound to, so you can get to it easily.

And I believe that, in practice, people are happy with the setups they’re happy with. There is, no doubt, a “best” way to set up key mappings, but I also believe that most people would not be happy with that “best” way, So no judgment about your preferences.

Personally, I concentrate on the numbers 1-5, with 6 & 7 as reach buttons, combined with Ctrl, Alt, and Shift. And then a few letters and others. A really advanced player with really advanced bindings will be using letters all over the place. Too finicky for me!

I place all my frequent-rotation buttons on 1-6, my frequent-use non-rotation or short cooldown buttons on Ctrl-1 to Ctrl-7 if I can. Anything I may need to cast quickly, or movement abilities also goes on a key I can hit in a hurry.

I banish long-cooldown things like Battle Shout and Hearthstone to the furthest reaches, like a side bar. I’ll just click on them when I actually want them.

I see the usual 1 through 0 bindings on your Bar 1, but I don’t see any bindings for Bars 2 and 3.

Maybe you have those bound to keys, or mouse buttons, but it’s not showing. Or maybe you’re clicking them - again, I’m not being judgy here. Clicking works for lots of people. We all know it’s not optimal, but very few people really need optimal placement.

Further diclaimer: Warrior isn’t one of my main classes, so my understanding and recognition of Fury is very basic. I may not even be recognising the icons correctly.

So with all that out of the way, here’s what catches my eye:

I would have mapped Bar 2 keys to Ctrl-1, Ctrl-2, and so on. Or Alt-1, or Shift-1.

I agree with the position of your 1-4 as the bread and butter of Fury, but I would definitely have Rampage in there beside them too. You want to be able to react quickly to a Rampage proc.

I don’t recognize the icon you have on 5. My bad, I’m sure, but I can’t find it on Wowhead either.

I don’t see Victory Rush/Impending Victory at all? Mayve I just missed it?

I would definitely have Charge and Pummel on very handy keys I can react to/hit very quiickly.

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Thank you!

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