Could Our Characters Cut A Mountain In Half?

I was having a bit of a nostalgic moment and decided to check some old Chrono Trigger stuff.

Now that got me thinking.

We’ve done a lot of heavy lifting.

We’ve beaten 3 Old Gods, 2 Titans and one “Titan++ level threat”, whatever that means.

Obviously as far as game mechanics go we can’t really mess with the scenery.

But if we could…

Are we strong enough to cut a mountain in half?

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We did all of that with the assistance of powerful NPCs or borrowed power. Our characters alone are pretty weak

No. Unless you are a dwarf with a lot of free time.


I see.

So we all are weaker than a frog.

I imagine a mage or warlock could, if they absorbed enough arcane energy first or could channel through something like the Focusing Iris.

Gnomes and Goblins could do it too, but it would look less like cutting the mountain in half and a lot more like they packed it full of dynamite.


Warriors can jump into the atmosphere to the halls of valor without magic, maybe. :robot::thought_balloon:


I once killed a man by telling him my life’s story. They say he died of cringe, but I know the truth.

(The truth is cyanide. I poisoned him)


To be fair, Glenn is one heck of an op frog.


Cutting, Explosions… both the same. They have consonants and vowels. One just coincidently has a tiny bit more debris than the other.


Give me enough seaforium baby and I’ll cut anything in half.

And slightly different force application: cleaving motion versus spontaneous geological disassembly


We can cut mountains in half. Unfortunately, the cast is an Empowered Spell that requires Dragonball Z level screaming.

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Yeah, that dudes hopped up on something, right?


This is why I hate Danuser so much…

After everything we’ve accomplished as a players, He tried to convince us that we
“The Champions of Azeroth”, had trouble handling this idiot:


Steve Danuser, I hope you’re trapped in Torghast for eternity writing the lore of McDonald’s or something!

I hate N’zoth, just for the fact that we killed all the Old gods stronger than him several expansions ago, and suddenly their “ace in the hole” for BFA is the baby of the 4 Old gods? We killed the remains of Y’shaarj who damaged the planet when TITANS had to rip him out, C’thun who is the next up the ladder from N’zoth as the first raid boss EVER, and Y’ogg Saron in WotLK. Reasonably even full powered N’zoth should just be weakened C’thun levels or maybe Sha Y’shaarj level at best.

To be fair, the other Old God’s were imprisoned. N’zoth was free.

It’s way easier to beat a stronger guy that is bound in chains than a weaker guy that is free to fight back lol

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