Could Lor'themar be king

You would think the guy who keeps banishing subgroups of his own people wouldn’t be so popular…

… Actually, now that I say that out loud, it makes sense. Lor’themar just removes people who don’t support him.

Lorthamir Putin

The Burger King, spreading the fear of clowns to new generations of children. He looks like a Doctor Who horror piece.

If he changed his mind for any reason, sure I guess. But, I don’t see it happening anytime soon.

What would be neat, though, is a sort of council sort’ve like how we see in Horde currently, but with all of the subfactions of Silvermoon represented. As well as a democratically elected leader among them.

Sure he could. He already had the last heir of the previous dynasty assassinated, and had the greatest hero of Quel’thalas banished and wanted. Nothing could really stop him now from just putting on the crown and declaring himself King. But I think he prefers a more subtle approach.

It’s harder to contest ones rule when they act out an unwanting of leadership victim, who has had the burden of leadership on his shoulders for the “good of the people”.

I wish. IT would be nice to have another proper monarchy in game especially on the Horde. Bonus points if he had a Queen and eventually his own heirs.


This 100%. Kael’thas at least being redeemed is one of the things I’m hoping for most in Shadowlands. Him actually somehow being brought back to Azeroth to revive the Sunstrider line? Squee. ahem Though if that’s not on the table, him giving Lor’themar the nod or approval would be great too. If the relationship hints between him and Thalyssra are going to be carried forward, it would be interesting to have the leaders of the blood elves and nightborne unite via marriage and have Silvermoon eventually be led by someone of both races (their son/daughter).


I have to ask…what are you smoking? Put down the felweed boy none of that hapened.


Can’t just always have regent. You either need to establish new dynasty if old is dead or invent presidency and elections.

Thank you for your backhanded compliment. I appreciate it.