Could Blizzard take a look at the Delve rotation in Azj-Kehat? It feels broken

We had 4 days of Tak-Rethan in a row, finally got The Spiral Weave on the 5th day and now the last 2 days have been Tak-Rethan again. That is 6 out of 7 days of the same delve.


Same delve with the same story? Or is that rotating? Just curious.

They’re looking into making the Bountiful rotation more sensible in the next patch. Let me find the note.


Bountiful Delve Rotation Changes
We’re changing the logic under the hood for which bountiful delves are active. Previously it was one delve per zone chosen as bountiful. This led to some behaviors where it felt like the same delve was bountiful back to back, especially in areas like Ringing Deeps where there were only two delves available. The new logic will rotate through delves from the original launch until all of them have had some time in the sun as bountiful before turning on new ones.

You will have your underwater delve, and you will like it

– Ion, probably.

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Stories change daily so that isn’t the problem. The problem is again, it is the same delve daily.

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We are in a danger code red situation all gnomes to engineering stations!

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Thank goodness but talk about gaslighting on Blizzard’s part…

No it didn’t feel like anything, it is pretty much documented…

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