Cost of Raiding

If Blizz has no integrity for their game, why should I?

I used to until I watched everyone around me cheat and exploit to get ahead with zero repercussions.

Exploit early exploit often

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Ah yes that’s why there’s so much crying on the forums from swipers about bringing gdkps back.

Stay mad

According to most pro-gdkpers here, the ban hasn’t impacted them. They don’t care. They’re making more money now than ever. Etc, etc.

They care so little they make thousands of posts about how the ban needs to be removed.

It’s fascinating.

pro-GDKPers want to be able to do GDKPs
this has nothing to do with how gold sellers are raking in the cash on anniversary :expressionless:
but good job trying to disingenuously conflate the two

Gdkpers want to p2w or sell gold not good for the game.

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I haven’t once said bring gdkps back, why would I? Reading comprehension is hard for helmet wearers, I know.

Don’t forget to let everyone know you’re a parasite too! Mr I hate gdkps so much but actively participate in them :rofl:

Actual clown :clown_face:

Good good

Let it all out

Release the anger

Hes pro gdkp.

Cheers big ears

Then play on the servers where they exist…for now. Hopefully they get banned there too. :+1:

And what they WANT is the gold from swipers. And what the swipers want is to buy gear with illegal gold. GDKP is just a method. That method could take a lot of forms. Thankfully this one is banned.

I know he is.

He’s a clueless grey parsing clown just like Frosstfire.

And Zaalg.

Imagine being this upset by a video game

It’s not a video game to these people. It’s their life defining achievements.

Also, it’s BIG business. We’re talking millions in the Classic RMT trade. Losing out on a part of that revenue is going to get a reaction.

I can only speak for myself and personally I am content with doing GDKPs for meager payouts of like 200-300g :expressionless: heck, with onyxia GDKPs the payout is usually like 30-50g. And this is with classic era inflation so these are very very low payouts.

Who’s upset? I’m here laughing at morons like you and Frosstfire.

I stay winning kid :sunglasses:

If I want an item I can buy it whenever I want. And I don’t have to deal with bidding, just an easy flat rate.

If I haven’t leveled a Shaman and I want to try it, I can just buy an account. Easy.

There’s nothing to be upset about. I’ll keep winning while you bicker about things that don’t matter on the forums.

You can’t argue with 20 iq ppl bro, save your sanity

Yeah it really sounds like you’re winning hahahahaha

Stay mad

Let the anger flow