Cosmic gladiator’s fastidious resolve is not working, according to patch notes cosmic gladiator’s echoing resolve should be the trinket that removed interrupt immunity but both seem to be affected.
Just tested [Cosmic gladiator’s fastidious resolve] in a duel with a rogue, he immediately stopped my convoke while wearing said trinket.
Both trinkets provide the same buff.
One gives one stack and the other gives two.
This was expected
Same problem. The description in the trinket indicates that it is not expected to be interrupted via kicks. If they intended on killing both trinkets they should have changed the tooltip. Wouldn’t you expect that? This nerf really kills arcane mage for all the buffs they gave it. So disappointing. Goodbye arcanospheres.
tooltip wasnt updated - correct, but the post was made about changes to the trinket already. get used to having to plan ahead now
According to the patch notes the change was intended for only the echoing trinket not both,
a poor choice of words but 100% expected. every other change (root removal) has also affected this trinket
I thought i was going crazy with it not working today since the tooltip shows it unchanged. What the heck is going on!
Where did we land on this? Is it supposed to be intentionally changed for us to be able to be kicked now? Or is that a bug and fastidious is still supposed to block that from being interrupted?
You would think that you would be protected from up to 2 spell interruptions considering those are the exact words on the trinket… However, your spells can still be interrupted so either the trinket isn’t working as intended or someone has severely botched the wording. Are kicks not spell interruptions because a kick isn’t a spell even though it’s being used to interrupt your spell? If that’s the case then why does wind shear which is a spell still interrupt when the trinket is used. How about just stating that it negates silences and cc’s. Still using this trinket until we get some confirmation that it is or isn’t working as intended.
can confirm still not working, playing Spriest, i pop trinket prior to entering combat, can see my spells not protected in my UI, get insta kicked while channeling flesh craft, also got instantly kicked after popping trinket trying to cast void eruption. Def not working as intended, was working fine just the other day.
still not working when will they be fixing this been bugged for a long while now
Not bugged
Working as expected. Both these trinkets supply the same effect, one in 2 stacks and the other with 1
Still not working. Came to search the forums if anyone else was having this problem.
Can someone explain how the spell interruption works exactly, because no matter what spell I cast, I get interrupted, by any and every class… So I feel like I have been jipped and wasted my conquest.