Cosmic Flux

Just recently came back and started a new account but don’t have DF yet. Is cosmic flux good for anything at level 60?

It’s used for Shadowlands legendaries. If you don’t have Dragonflight, the legendaries are useful for doing stuff in Shadowlands. They don’t work outside of Shadowlands, but will still be one of the highest ilvl items you can get your hands on at 60.

If it’s worth it will largely depend on how much time you plan to spend in Shadowlands before upgrading to Dragonflight.

Any advice on ways to gear up for battlegrounds until I buy DF? which will be next month

Unless you can get groups to run you through Shadowlands raids, your best bet is probably going to be doing Zereth Mortis world content.

If you’ve got lots of gold or have a crafting profession the ilvl 233ish crafted gear from Shadowlands is another option.(Unlike the higher ilvl crafted stuff, it doesn’t have a unique equipped limitation.) If you’re a crafter, you need Zereth Mortis rep to buy the recipe to make the optional reagent to get the higher ilvl.