Cosmic flux Vendor

We need a cosmic flux vendor just like the vender in korthia to send to alts.
it annoying that i have over 15k cosmic flux on one toon that i cant even use.


It would be nice to at least be able to jump start an alt into 2pc tier or something with conversions. Along with Sandworn Relics.


Would definitely be nice to be able to buy the Leggo upgrade bag as a BoA to ship around


If they’re not going to make them transferable, they should at least convert them into a currency and save us the bagspace…


Yeah I mean you sorta can but you have to buy the bag and then mail the individual bags you can by to your alt’s losing like 50 of each currency each bag.

You lose 50 for every 250 you want to send yea.

Converting to ash/cinders and boxing those is a way to transfer for leggos. There is no speedy way for flux build up on Alts that beats LFR though. I was able to grind ~4K flux on an alt in about a week. LFR drops a metric ton, do all 4 wings on an alt. The one time treasures in ZM are 200 a pop, do as many as you can. Easy with flying. Do the world boss. Pick up patterns. Hit rares you pass by that others have engaged unless you can solo them. A few dungeons and you’ll have all the flux you need on an alt. It’s < week of grinding. You can also do the quest chain for unity in like 4 hours of game play.

The bigger issue I’m having now is tracking down pieces to convert. I really want 4 pc on my hunter but I need to spam dungeons to try and get head/hands.

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Pieces and rep, though honored isn’t too bad it’s still a drag to get on alts if you have limited play time.


Consider yourself lucky. I am approaching 100k (currently at 95k) with nothing to use it on other than the weekly few K on the CC. We need to be able to buy Genesis Motes, Lattices, Cyphers, Stygia, Anima…God ANYTHING with this currency!

While we are at it, a vendor for Soul Ash and Soul Cinders would be nice too. I am sitting on 60k ash and 15k cinders, again with nothing to spend it on!

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Personally, I don’t see any issue with the Cosmic Flux. It doesn’t take up bag space, so what does it matter?

I also don’t have much use for it myself so ignore it much as I ignore the 270,383 coalescing visions my rogue has in her wallet.

It would be great to be able to send some to alts. What good are 4+ charges of the tier catalyst thing if you can’t earn flux without the same grind as your main had to do? Same with sandworn relics.

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If I had any use for the catalyst I suppose so and think giving that option to those it matters to would be a good idea.

Since grinding alts is exactly what I’m doing anyway to get the gear I want for them (since I don’t M+ or raid) to me it’s a non-issue. I’m stuck grinding.

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I’d rather grind out new reps or m+ for valor vs the same daily quests and treasure chests on every alt, but you do you.

And I don’t fault you for that. I hate doing the same daily quests and treasure chests on every alt.

At least in BFA I had options. For a change of pace, I could do horde instead of alliance, different story lines.

SL is smaller has fewer options. M+ is not for me. Before most of my current guild stopped playing, I joined in the M+ in BFA. Was not a fan. It’s not for an ADD person like myself. Too chaotic, too hard to focus on what to do/where to go.

Luckily for me I play with a friend with one toon and switch up weeks with different toons at my own pace to make things at least bearable but since SL is so – same-y, it’s making the idea of pugging look good and I don’t do dungeons. :slight_smile:

Anima, cosmic flux, rubies, etc… would be great if ZM had a vendor in S4 to spend these on for things we actually would like to have.

Can we please use Cosmic Flux to buy Anima (and maybe even Grateful Offerings). But mostly anima. I am always feeling anima-starved.

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