Cosmetic question

I have a question, im renown 3 and can not find any of my unlocked cosmetics. I cant find them in my transmogs at all. Anyone have the same issues as me? Or am i just overlooking things? Thanks. This i reguarding plunderstorm.

I was wondering about this as well. It says that they’re available in both plunderstorm and dragonflight, but I don’t see the dagger in my tabs.

Ok so im not the only one…im told to talk to the guy in the starting zone but i get nothing

I’m only Renown 2 so far, but I have the Deadly Dagger and the Swabbie’s Gloves in my transmog collection.

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The items show up closer to the BFA gear so if you put the item names in search they’ll be there. They wont show up on the first page,


Yes, that’s what I was missing. Thanks much.