Cosmetic option for Undead Death Knights to use an "undead" Human model?

As much as I love the Lore behind the Forsaken (I’m a huge fan of WC3’s Undead/Arthas campaigns anyways), I’ve just never liked how the Forsaken LOOK as Death Knights. I’ve always loved the WC3-style Death Knight, which look like mighty warriors, rather than the shambling Forsaken model.

However, take a look at what an Undead Death Knight COULD look like, if given the option of a Human model, with the “Cultist” skin and the Horde’s Warfront armor:

As far as I’m concerned, that is perhaps the coolest Death Knight armor in the game, at the VERY least since the T10 Scourgelord armor (I’m also a big fan of the Nighthold DK set… T19?). Even though it’s not technically DK armor.

To me, this would finally allow the best of both worlds; being able to play as a Death Knight fighting for the nation of Lordaeron (not Stormwind), without having to sacrifice the ability to actually LOOK like a WC3-style Death Knight.

Now, it’s important that IF this option were allowed, it would certainly need to remain restricted ONLY to using those “undead” skins, and I would also add the “Cultist” skin, pictured.

For hair colors, I’d honestly love to have the full range of colors to choose from (especially since I feel like they would all look pretty good with the purple skin tone; I might even opt for a reddish hair color), but that’s just me. Or even just a slightly more limited palette.

The Lore justification is simple; although the Death Knights in WC3 hadn’t technically died, it stands to reason that Arthas would’ve picked up some fresh “recruits” during his first trip to Lordaeron as a Death Knight himself. A lot of people assume that player DK’s were slain during Naxx-40, but that has never actually been implied by anything other than player theories. So they could’ve been raised up before decomposing, like the rest of the Forsaken.

Just my two cents.