[Cosmetic] [Feedback] 10.2 and Druid forms

Popping in here to say I did the grind. Got all 6 forms and it was NOT fun. There was always the moment I was at one rare and fearing one was up and not being called out because the NA community is notorious for not calling things out that don’t pop up on the overall map.

I HATED every moment of it when it could have been made simpler. We’re not asking for hand outs but a respect of our time and that respect means lowering the respawn rates of these rares. We are NOT asking for an increase in drop rate, we’re NOT asking to remove the daily loot lockout. Just lower the respawn rate. There is nothing wrong with that and there will be zero “power” benefits if their respawn timers are lessened. Their drops would remain as they are. The “Its rare so it should remain less frequent” is an archaic term that needs to be sunset. Blizz has already stopped calling them rares and elected to call them “Special Encounters.”

If a lower respawn time is unfavorable then at least make them show up on the overall map and give them a 1 minute invulnerability because the moment they pop some gung-ho warrior or other class will swoop in and engage and it’ll be dead in 30 seconds.

Once again displaying proof that I did the grind.


Another thing I’d like to be added for Druids is taking inspiration from the Season of Discovery for Priests, where races can learn from each other’s beliefs.

It would be cool that different races of Druids could, through some content have access to other Druids forms.