Please make this not mandatory, I dislike this so much I would have to just take a break until these “horrific visions” is phased out.
Same, can’t stand corruptions such a bad thing to put in game. Good thing classic is around I’ll be done with retail when this stuff comes back around.
I was glad I was done with them after BfA, I guess I was wrong
I really hoped this content would never make it back…
MoP Classic looks very enticing over corruptions.
Corruptions were insanely fun, people cry about anything and everything its unreal lol. Corruptions were only bad because they were on a rotating vendor, bringing them back as enchants that you can freely swap around is a great way of doing it.
Corruptions were fun because you unfairly insta-killed in arena LMAO
Other than that, it was giga-RNG, which for something as OP as corruptions, isn’t fun.
Horrific Visions themselves were super boring. It was just a weekly slog activity to upgrade your cloak.
Just went through this guys profile to make sure he had the 5 Mask achieve before posting this
Why would I want to do a harder version of content I already don’t like doing? It’s like forcing a PvPer to do M+ for BiS gear. OH WAIT…
I liked doing visions but not farming to enter them. I don’t really care for building the cloak for resistance and corruptions.