Corruptions this week? 14k Echoes saved up

I didn’t get any echoes the last couple of weeks b/c the first week I didn’t have enough for expedient 3 and last week nothing seemed great. This week there’s severe and infinite stars at rank 3. Is it worth taking either of those? Part of me is tempted to try a full crit build for the big numbers Chaos bolts but I’m not sure if that’s practical.

I’ve already got Infinite stars rank 3 on gloves, but I’ve heard that’s no good with havoc since it’s multiple targets.

Anyone have thoughts/ideas?

Wait for expedient 3, most of us are on the same boat, the corruption rotation is 1 month.


we are expecting around June 23rd or 26th.

weekly corruption vendor for a post raid end of game vendor was really a dumb move on blizz’s part. it really feels like they dont play their own game.

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