Corruptions and similar

All these stupid systems are what has made WoW a pile of crap. Get back to the basics and do them good instead of adding all these expansion or patch specific systems that are always broken.

Was looking forward to Shadowlands when they were starting to add some of that old flavour, but now I see they are going even further then they did in BFA. God only knows why when BFA is still completely broken.


May your positivity be a shining beacon for all to follow in this time of darkness.

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If you view my post history, I am highly critical of Blizzard. But at this point I will try to somewhat reason.

While we are getting a numerous amount of systems in shadowlands, at least the team is taking feedback and attempting to be vocal with their community again. Something I haven’t seen in some time now.

Love or hate me for it, systems aren’t entirely bad for the game. It’s only when we as the players rely upon these systems for almost all of our entire power gain, which has been the case I admit for the last two expansions at least.

If blizzard can get back to that Mists of Pandaria sweet spot, where the vast majority of classes felt balanced and fun to play. As well as added a very light system on top of it to add a little flavor, I feel as though this game would have more positive aptitude.


Yea I know the blue posts are coming out so fast I can’t read them all.

If they are listening to their community again, why is BFA currently so broken? Have they basically just cut their losses? I think not, I think they know that there is a bad rep of “You think you do, but you don’t.” We know better mentality, so they are trying to smooth the waters with minor changes and promises. End of the day when they think they know better they will do what they want then give up because its to hard until next expansion. #Doomposting from a veteran player that’s watched the slow destruction of this game as Blizzard became more and more out of touch with its fanbase through each expansion.

Need more systems tbh.

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Thats it, just needs more dials.

It’s the end of the expac. Yes, they are cutting their losses. They messed up so much. With Shadowlands coming in two months or so, there is no reason to fix or add anything else. Keep your head up. Shadowlands will be a lot better

I thought that’s what they said about 8.2 and 8.3. They were meant to be the great fixes that will make BFA all good again. Instead they listened to nothing from Beta to final patch and stuck the last nail with corruptions.

They technically did fix a lot with those two, in my opinion. Corruptions really are nothing to get now, essences are easy, etc. It is fixed, everyone is just so sick of this expansion, we are ready to move on

Infinite stars is not fixed lol.

How is it not? There are plenty of better corruptions to choose from for most specs.

If they made an expansion with only gear like classic it would be a tremendous failure because a basic butt mmorpg is no longer good or competitive market wise, game needs a new gimmick to actually be interesting which is what every wow expansion these days has.

Expansion’s over, that’s about it. It always gets this way at the end.

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Systemlands has too many systems bloat.

The problem is BlizZard has a focus group that probably tells them this is what new players want.

And yet where are the new players that want these rental systems and borrowed power? It is a ghost town around here.

Even systemlands beta is a ghost town.

:thinking: :thinking: :thinking:

Infinite stars has broken pvp, it 1 shots people in bis gear, how is that not broken?

Yet classic more then doubled their revenue. Hmmmm maybe they think they know but they don’t?

I mean… in what context…? The guy who stacked so much of it that the only way it was somewhat viable was by playing prot pally to keep himself alive for a proc which has since been fixed via the new corruption effect you receive whilst having over 200(?) corruption? Is that what you’re basing your view of IS on? It’s literally barely run, if at all, amongst top pvpers. Stop talking about things you don’t even understand, IS is in a fine state currently.

You’ve got the top people running full gushing wounds, or locks and mages running full haste increases for spamming abilities. IS is not the corruption causing problems in pvp atm lol.

Casual bgs? You’re barely ever going to stack the IS debuff enough times on someone to eventually one shot them. You can’t control where your IS lands either so in an AoE group scenario your stacks of it are constantly being spread between different enemies. It might only ever one shot someone who’s severely undergeared, which let’s face it, they weren’t gonna stand a chance anyway with the current state of the game.

These systems mde BFA a total bust for me. Out of all the expansions this is the one I did the least in. I just was not fun. Hoping SL is a lot better

I think the front loaded systems are supposed be intertwined that somehow compliment each other. I just agree with OP and think they shouldn’t be so over-ambitious because it’s clear that this way of design is beyond their control of making it feel fun instead of a buggy mess with boring additions that’ll just be hugely un balanced out the gate.

It feels like quantity over quality.
Instead of making all these things, gimme a new talent set of choices that’ll be baked in… none of this borrowed grind system and put in some fluff to compliment the story you put in place and voila.

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They need to just K.I.S.S. This stuff is just so up and down, creating massively unbalanced flavour of the months, as they try to balance these crap systems.