Corruption Weapon Enchants and DK

Super excited to see some of the old corruption effects coming back, but a bit concerned these are weapon-only enchantments. Due to the sheer power that Runeforges provide to DK, I fear DKs in general may be left out of the fun with these.

Maybe these would work better as embellishments, or an enchant on another slot (maybe neck because heart of azeroth?) so everyone can use/benefit from them?


Yeah, I agree these should be embellishments, or an enchant for another slot(s)!!!

DKs will miss the fun (and DPS?) if not



I don’t play Death Knight, but I wanted to chime in and add that one of the raiders in my guild mained DK during Battle for Azeroth and one of the NUMBER ONE things he’s said he’s missed from Battle for Azeroth was the corruption mechanics. He was super excited to see they’ve returned, and was pretty disheartened that he wouldn’t be able to use Twilight Devastation again because it probably won’t be better than using one of his Death Knight runes. Any chance that could be looked at?

Oh damn, Embellishment is a GREAT idea.

I kinda hope these won’t be unique to this one expansion / patch. Having Horrific Vision embellishments / options as an evergreen feature would be pretty cool considering how iconic the unique animations were.

Or put it on a slot that currently doesn’t have any enchants gloves would make sense as belts and necks can have sockets added.

Yeah , I honestly wouldn’t be surprised if we just don’t get to play with this at all because Blizzo forgot that we are kind of tied to our rune forges. :\