Corruption is good for pvp

When I get my spite trinket then I’ll agree, corruption is good for pvp, wear all the corruption you can :^)

So, what you’re saying is… Gimmicks and no outplay free random procs is skillful?
Random damage with no thought to it is skillful and a way to outplay people?

You said that with a straight face? Seriously?

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I beat a rmpala last night as ret/dk/hpal, felt like winning blizzcon championship


Just embrace the suck

While I find the stat% affixes more interesting I like infinite stars too.

My lava burst damage has gone up by like 6k over this year and a half of bfa while my hp has increased over 3x

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I think it’s tuned to a good place rn where it’s passively doing 5-15% of dmg and not one shotting people any more. Like that’s a good place, because it will increase pressure but not define who wins and loses a game

The games I played last night seemed a lot faster than the previous season. It felt really good.


You can track the eyeball debuff at least using an addon like flyplatebuffs. Anytime I see that pop up I stun or root to try to get them stuck in the circle. Also a good time to use Gladiator’s Spite. Some fun counterplay for sure.

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You’re putting alot of words in my mouth, I didn’t even mention the word skill. My post was about game pacing with faster being better almost always.

This isnt an ideal hotfix to pvp whatsoever but it’s better than 8.2 so far imo. Post-hotfix corruptions aren’t going to carry kills and most of them have counterplay.

The game does have far too many passives in general though, even just making the corruption proc on your screen and needing an on use would be better. I just wish everything wasnt on gcd so we could have real swifty on use swaps back.

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Still feels like the advantage is much higher to the immortal classes. Corruption adds passive damage to classes that are also passively healing. Dk, Dh in particular seem to be godly with corruption.

All this work put into corruption should have been put into new abilities, unpruned abilities. Things to press for counterplay. Passive abilities and procs are just so bad.

Dunno if that would actually work with the way that Defensive and Offencive cd’s line up. I think I’ve seen you post that we need more class damage and less gimik which I agree with and hope for with 9.0. This expac went live a dumpster fire so for now corruption makes it more tolerable.

I know but it would be so fun to see XD

Thanks, gona get this after the update! I just got the Void trink on my rogue so I’m excited to try that out.

Corruption takes away from real skill. It’s stupid

Actually makes arena very unreliable. A low geared toon should not be able to rng kill just because they got lucky and didn’t really do anything except push a button

I can’t believe anyone can think corruption is good for arena. It takes like, a third grade level of critical thinking skills to understand that “faster pace is guud for game”, shouldn’t mean that you win games because you did literally nothing to win them.

Corruption is garbage because it allows people that aren’t good and make consistent mistakes to win regardless because they pressed kidney and spawned two tenticles on you. I want to lose games to people that beat me. That play better than me. There is nothing more insanely frusrating than losing to a team that DR’d and overlapped all their CC, literally missed every kick but it didn’t matter because they spawned tenticles inside a kidney. I lost to a DH the other day that trinketed the sap in the opener before the rogue came out of stealth and quad DR stunned air TWICE because they literally procced 3 tenticles inside fel eruption.

Faster pace IS important, we can all agree on that…but make it from something the player actually did. I want to feel the difference between good rogues and great ones. Not that some of them have corruption and others don’t. Like all you have to do is buff the damage of the buttons players actually press…there is so much extra curricular damage nowadays its so unnecessary. If you take a look at some of the details breakdowns of your damage, generally 50-65% of it is totally passive, between corruption, azerite essences and traits. It’s ridiculous.

Literally the arena has last all of its nuance and turned into run in, press literally every button you have including all of your defensives offensively and try to win in the opening and hope you proc some fat tenticles to close kills.

You had two guaranteed corrupted pieces every week since the patch launched. As of last week you can now get an extra 5 pieces of guaranteed corruption with decent ilvl. Have you been doing content at all?

The pace is too fast now. The GCD change can’t keep up with this damage. People are dying in globals.

Disable corruption in PvP pls. Bring some skill back to the game.

It’s unpredictable and dmg is way too high for competitive play.

dawg that post is from january sheesh u people

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I got donger slapped to death from tentacles playing vs rogue and dk while having them in stun and in range on my mage casting a gpie and it hit my for 100k in like 2-4 sec? Item won the game for him… Very fun gameplay I must say.