Corruption is Cool

Maybe if you got to decide your benefits so that you could min max these stats the drawbacks would become justified. It would actually solve the original complaint about RNG.

I think that most of the people complaining about the RNG would be happy with that.

True to a point

Are you going to not equip a clear upgrade just because Corruption is on it? Iā€™m going to lean towards no

Upgrades are upgrades, and ditching an upgrade due to a mechanic does not seem like the best of ideas

And Corruption just shows up like Titanforging, it just doesnā€™t give a flat benefit like it has

you can clean the corruption


Iā€™m at least going to taste this soup before i poop in it.

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Youā€™re right, but I think itā€™s been said thereā€™s a cost for that

And thatā€™s not including the potential cost of % based stat boosts which are generally pretty great

You lose either way

idk man, you might be right, I for one wanna see it in action I think it might be fun.

thats why I really like they are allowing people to clean the corruption and why Iā€™m excited to see it in action, if its bad we just can pretend it doesnt exist but I wanna take the risk and see what is what

Iā€™ll eat a big plate of crow if the de-corrupting mechanic doesnā€™t use a time-gated currency you want to spend on other things.

if the cost is stupidly expensive I agree with you, but if its the cost of mog/reforge meh its nothing

I mean if does itā€™ll suck, but I wont scream the sky is falling until we know more, in paper Iā€™m excited to see what this corruption brings to the table

A bit reason why most of the community has been raging against this new corruption system is because it triples down on the system that is already far too heavily relied on RNG and stacking yourself in favor of the odds; the only issue is there is little way to actually manipulate RNG. Itā€™s a risk-reward system but why add a risk-reward system to the most basic aspect of the game.

It leaves pug groups open to blatant trolling with corruption sets making wipes that much easier for those with a penchant for disaster.

It leaves friend and/or guild groups subject to the near constant disappointment that the gearing cycle brings, now including several distinct layers of random numbers that canā€™t possibly be deciphered at a glance.

Quite frankly, if it were any other company at the moment, any other game, this system would be at least mildly welcome, because the risk-reward would be applicable to most of the game that actually mattered. As it stands currently, itā€™s just the exact opposite of what others were clamoring about, and as much as people want to claim that gear doesnā€™t mean much in the long run, itā€™s the only treadmill currently worth stumbling on outside of mount collecting.

So yesā€¦ Corruption is cool but itā€™s yet another straw in the huge pile of hay currently stacked up on the camelā€™s back and weā€™re currently just witnessing more people break.


Unfortunately it appears gear canā€™t just be gear anymore due to the majority always wanting more and more.

Itā€™s like there has to be more and more of a carrot to keep us on the wheel of subs.

Just my opinion.


Edit: Add RNG to the mix, just a volatile mix to upset folks.

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I do too, you get to make choices; do I risk the consequences of increasing corruption for the power I gainā€¦or do I play it safe? Itā€™s too soon to see how it all plays out, but I like where it looks to be going.

I mean I would roll with max corruption just because Iā€™m a sucker for high risk high reward gimmicks but I feel the risk vastly outweighs the reward

I really like the idea but the heavy RNG factor of getting the benefits you want, getting Corruption in the first place, and dealing with the heavy penalties for it, itā€™s just not the best

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Hey now old gods so op that can effect are gear soon seems legit!

the people who pushes M+ as their main content are all complaining because blizzard removed TF
It seems that they thought that without TF they would get the item with the IVL upgrade instead of losing the chance to get the ILVL upgrade and now they are mad that they cant go high ilvl only doing M+.
We have no way to know but I think most people who ask for blizz to remove TF are under the impression that TF takes something away from them when in reality only adds the chance of getting something better, we will never know but if the M+ peeps are a indication I might be right

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If you like rng wrapped in rngwith a thick coating of rngā€¦ I guess

From everything Iā€™ve seen it looks like I get a small chance of a drop, added to a small chance for forge/corrupt and nowā€¦ an additional small chance to get the stats I want, in the amount I want themā€¦ itā€™s just over the unfun line for me.


Itā€™s a given that RNG is everything in a game but to me the devs have gone nuts in implementing it into almost every aspect of gameplay.

My 2cp



Itā€™s unfortunate because the risk simply endangers your ability to do grouped content but the reward just doesnā€™t do much in the open world, so thereā€™s absolutely no reason for this system to exist. Unless, of course, theyā€™re parading around this ghostly sheet of a system in the false vain of newness. Or spite. My bet is spite.

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Totally agree. more challenging and thought provoking game play is a good thing.
If it were earn-able in a deterministic way I would be really excited. From the ptr so far this does not appear to be the case though.

RNG if it corrupts
RNG what corruption
RNG how much corruption
RNG how much bad corruption

That is too much for me to be able to agree with.
Then throw in the fact that it seems like it will be more powerful than benthic gear is in current raid and it becomes a must have for anyone doing tough content.

Again if it were earn able through doing tasks in game I would have a very different tune.

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Really? Like havenā€™t your ever read a fantasy book, or watched a movie where the protagonist has gotten ahold of a powerful weapon but itā€™s ā€œcorruptedā€ and they have to go on a quest to ā€œcleanseā€ it. Seems perfectly logical and right in line with fantasy standards.