Corpse of Consacrée and rage whispers

Camping alliance players that don’t know how to PvP is fun.

He Rage-Whispers me on an alt immediately following his extreme amount of losses. 8 total failures! I stopped using cooldowns to give him a handicap after a while of torturing him in war mode.

https ://

https ://

this guy corpse camping, getting wrecked, repeatedly running away

must suck to get outed with video evidence like that huh


Grats on being the problem?


A ret killing a rogue. I approve of this content.

Although…it does make me wish freedom had no cooldown. :confused:


doing the nasrajin thing cause i cant be bothered with removing these whitespaces either



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Yeah I destroyed him like 8 times in a row then stopped using major cooldowns because I felt bad for all of his crying. He edited that out. I’m glad you watched me Destroy this paladin. If only you could’ve seen the other 7 times he spawned to try again and again. One of the times, he actually held onto bubble for too long because he was nervous and shaky IRL. I ended up giving him a pity handicap at some point. He was raging really hard at being out-skilled multiple times, and didn’t know how to PvP. He got annihilated and used bubble and every single cooldown, and still lost repeatedly to me. It was rather sad! I started to feel bad for him with all of his cussing and punching the stuff in his room.

At some point I stopped using ALMOST all Cooldowns. Like ALMOST NONE LOL, because I felt bad for him losing to me so much.

Anyways had fun dominating with ease as seen above.

all the lying about this is bizarre man and at first i thought it was amusing when you told me “i’m gonna post this to forums so everyone can see how hard you got owned” when you didn’t really but now i honestly just kind of feel sorry for whatever kind of life you must have that makes you this way

btw the whole stream vod is on my page anyway so if anyone cared (they don’t) they could watch it (he first tried me around 5:02:00 i think) and see that you’re lying. this is honestly sad to be lying about some silly wpvp. i hope things get better for you.

edit: posting link to full vod since this guy wants to continue lying and gaslighting like a psychopath. this is sad, man. get some help. i’m out.


Yeah you need to visit a clinic and get some help. You’re the one that messaged me mad and crying, as seen above, because you’re the one that lost horribly. You’re not good at editing videos either. If you had won or felt you won, which you didn’t, you would not have sent messages to me filled with tears of losing. If I would’ve known demolishing you in a video game was going to cause you PTSD I wouldn’t have attacked your pixels. Sorry that you aren’t good at the game. Not my fault.

Oh yeah and next time try not to lose 8 times in a row.

Try to enjoy the memory of being absolutely out-skilled, and learn from it, instead of being traumatized by something that happened to you in a video game. Your fairy tales and denials aren’t healthy.

You should dial 988.

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This is quality content.


I have to agree with you. There is much more to come.

So why when I watch the videos posted do I only see you just barely beating him once? Then when he nearly beats you immediately after you quickly scamper away? Any reason? Do you have any videos or is he right and you are literally making this stuff up? That’s weird af.


Gankers in a nutshell

Hi Consacree. I enjoyed destroying you 8 times and no, I was not streaming, nor did I care to. You’re probably blind to reality since you’re a paladin and you’re surrounded by suffocating sad light, and you’re mad that even with 93 immunities and lay on hands, you couldn’t win.

Thanks for being an easy target.