Coren Direbrew BUGGED!

You can look in your quest log and see how many other party members are on the quest.

Surely people are smart enough to check that all five party members actually have the daily? Not sure how anyone could actually hide that they used theirs already…


Well in my case it was my summon that bugged, lucky we had a warlock and we summoned multiple alts to have 5 total summons in total. Even some of the alts bugged out :clown_face:

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Not working for my group either

where are the GMs to respond to this? its unacceptable loosing chances at mounts is horrible!!!


Good on you for thinking outside of the box. :clown_face:

Except the event is bugged. Your assumption was wrong and your posts irrelevant.


lol ok

Blizzard? Release a broken and buggy mess of something that was already working before? Not on my reforged Classic servers!

No, it’s the players who have phones are wrong!!


I turned mine in and nothing happened.

It very well might have bugs, but the way that classics playerbase is I wouldnt doubt if they are just trying to screw others over and saying its a bug. We have seen people say they would screw people over in RDF on these forums.

But i’m a little confused here.

There are literally dozens of threads on here and on Reddit with 100s of people saying it’s bugged them/

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can confirm it is bugged i had 2 of my toons bug out. get quest from inside dungeon hand it in got achievement “a simple request” on one of my toons from it quest gone from log boss stayed green.

i know i didnt gaslight myself.

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I did it on 8 characters everyday so far and there was always at least 1-2 bugged attempts.
So instead of 5 boss kills we had only 3-4.

Ever hear of people lying? Both the times I done it not a single bug, just people not knowing what to do.

People do lie, and I’m not sure I believe you.

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So far no issues here, did 5 attempts in one run without issues.

It’s fixed today it seems. Did on all 4 with zero issues.

But yesterday, it was bugged as lots of people have mentioned.

People lie in groups to leech. Same people won’t go on reddit and claim its a bug.

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People will try to hide their true nature as long as other think that nature is bad.

People probably want the mount, they get into runs where they have already done it for the day, go “last” and say its bugged.

Also, have a single person tried resetting the dungeon and trying again for the last attempts? Or does the group just break apart? If it just breaks apart I can almost guarantee its someone taking advantage of the group.

bro. Im really confused here.
Are you really trying to say here that Brewfest was never bugged lmao?

Yes, my 3 guildys all trying to take advantage of each other. We’re horrible horrible liars. And all those dozens of threads with 100s of comments. Well, it’s just 3 of us creating a 100s of fake reddit accounts, earning enough karma else where to post on r/classicwow just to lie about bug to cover up for my guild trying to steal mount from each other.

You’re 100% correct Sherlock. :clap:



Yes im really saying Brewfest was never bugged. Because I said that… somewhere… I dont know where but I said it.

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