Core Race Pages updated - sigh

Doubt it. The particular paragraph was clearly done to drum up old school Alliance emotions. They could mentioned the Forsaken fans as well but they did not.

We have evidence from many different sources(including Hearthstone) that make it quite clear Blizzard considers the blue L an Alliance symbol.


You doubt my assertion. I doubt yours.

The cycle begins anew.

They didn’t say “only current Alliance Members” - which may include just the Alliance members of today. They said “old school Alliance members”, which could include present and former members in a previous “old school period of time” that is being referenced.


The only “old school Alliance” were actual Alliance players/people who have an attachment to Old School Alliance. As it is if they really wanted to include the forsaken they would have specified it.(this post is talking to Alliance fans, not about people who were Alliance story wise)

If this was the only instance of them excluding the Forsaken with regards to the L symbol then sure, it might be debatable. But when they do it SEVERAL TIMES(like giving the L symbol card to people who preorder the Alliance focused expansion of Hearthstone) then it seems more denial then anything.

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Mara Jade was never a Jedi, Dark or otherwise. She’s been consigned to the oblivion shared by the rest of the EU.

Again, that is just your opinion. I disagree.

And you are trying to state your opinion as a fact, and it just is not the case.


This statement is just wrong. I used to play Alliance mostly in the RTS matches. I loved the Elves and the MK and the Pally (I wasnt good with the blood mage). I likely played Alliance before some current Alliance Players were even born.

Again, purely your opinion.

The funny thing is, whether you are talking about it as the Players, or the Lore Characters, it is the same thing. By referencing old school members, Blizz is referencing the members of the old school lol. Not just the new folks.


Which is again, this is about the Alliance fans and how it connect the L symbol to the Alliance and its fans.

This is not an opinion. The Lordearon coin was giving to player who purchase an ALLIANCE FOCUSED expansion in Hearthstone.

It is referring to people who played Alliance back in the day. And the connection the L symbol has with them(and by extension the Alliance).

Which none of your statement include the Forsaken. You are not suppose to be thinking about the Forsaken when you see the L. You are suppose to be thinking about the Alliance.

Um, it is certainly your incorrect opinion that Heartstone rewards are canon to WoW. Some of the WoW canon is used in Hearthstone, and some spells or characters from Heartstone end up in WoW canon later, but the events and rewards of Heartstone certainly are not canon to WoW.

The Forsaken are largely the people of Lordaeron, who were old school Alliance members of the Alliance of Lordaeron.

The Forsaken are included there. No one seriously disputes that the people of Lordaeron who became Forsaken were never in the Alliance of Lordaeron… because they obviously were.

It should go without saying, and does - to most people. Except you.

See, you seem to think their statement of Old School Members was exclusionary, and only applies towards those who fit your specific narrow positions.

I view it as inclusive of all old school Alliance members - either players, fans, or characters - because those were the words they used. I am not using my own narrow rule set, like you. I am just using the words they did.


The Forsaken don’t use the Lordaeron L in any iconography, they just held the lands of Lordaeron. But the Kingdom of Lordaeron and its associated symbols are dead and gone, the Forsaken have moved on from them.

Meanwhile Alliance still use the L when they are flagged for PVP, so

Really, that L should be the symbol for Alliance, not the Stormwind lion. It’s a lot better, looks cooler, is easier to draw. The reason why the Horde’s icon is so, well, iconic is because it’s simple. AND it’s not the Orc symbol, it’s a symbol on its own even if it is similar, whereas the Alliance symbol is the symbol for Stormwind AND the Alliance.


Sure. The Alliance uses it. That is plain.

But does that make it exclusively Alliance, when others have as much claim to it? No.

Especially since the last member of Lordaeron’s royal family, Calia Menethil, got recognition from a High King of the Alliance, as well as Turalyon and Genn, as the heir of the kingdom. And she said the Forsaken deserve the land, while she was still living.

I just don’t see Zerde’s zeal to take any crumb of nothing and expand it into… what ever nonsense he is spewing.

Forsaken have as much a claim to Lordaeron as they do its iconography. The Alliance uses the iconography as well. I don’t dispute that.

And Zerde is trying to have it both ways, and is wrong either way.

If by “old school members of the Alliance,” Blizzard meant the folks in the Lore, that would include Forsaken.

If by “old school members of the Alliance”, they meant Players, they could be including Folks who played back through the RTS, and currently play Horde.

Either way, the statement from Blizz isn’t as exclusionary as he is making it appear.


The Forsaken moved on from the symbol of the old Alliance. There was a reason why none of them use the old L crest. Because they’re not Lordaeron anymore, they’re Forsaken. They inhabit their ancestral land but its symbol does not represent them anymore. Forsaken gave up their claim to that symbol willingly.

Now, maybe that changes with Calia later on when she reinstates Lordaeron. I dunno what their plan is there, but if I had to guess, that won’t be the case.

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This is not about canon. The post and the hearthstone reward is purely a meta reinforcement that the L symbol is design for the Alliance, not forsaken.

The use of the Lordaeron L by the stormwind alliance is a cultural acquisition, an attempt to establish legitimacy it neither possesses nor is entitled to. The Third Reich monopolization the indo-european solar disc (swastika) comes to mind.

2 cents


Ok but the Forsaken don’t use the L anymore. They don’t want it. They gave it up for the cracked mask.

You do realize Lordearon survivors are members of the Alliance? Hell, Lordearon’s greatest paladin is currently leader of Stormwind.

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I’m having rapid sensory flashbacks to a discussion about this on Scrolls of Lore damn near 12 years ago where someone posted an image of the Forsaken’s Cataclysm-model lamp post that did, in fact, have the Lordaeron L on it. These lamps were part of the new gothic Forsaken assets, not the old ruined human assets they used in vanilla.


IIRC, after the Second War, Stormwind was settled by both native Stormwindians and Lordaeronians, so yeah. Add to that survivors from Theramore, and the modern Alliance isn’t lacking for Lordaeronian citizenry.


Holy bantha poo.

It’s a lamppost reference in real life. Out in the wild.

My lord


It’s not even BC blood elves, since the player faction in Quel’thalas is never showed as chugging fel, warlocks have their trainers in a back alley and there’s a layer of secrecy where what is powering the crystals now doesn’t even seem like something the questgivers near the city are entirely aware of. Like 99% of what people claim was a retcon is already in 2.0 Eversong.

It’s fanon RPG blood elves

Never saw the point of the fel use retcon other than as a transparent, retroactive attempt to soften the blood elves from their initially harsher depiction. Don’t care that they’ve backtracked (or, more likely, just mixed themselves up again).

tfw there’s one of those in here

The claim that it was a retcon is hilarious fanon because it would imply that 2.0 BC retconned some sort of older gold standard BC that existed somewhere.

The only major retcon to the blood elves to come out of BC was villain batting Illidan, Kael and Vashj and having the breakdworn of relationships with the alliance be the fault of their kaldorei cousins (who they were chill with through TFT other than Maiev’s followers) rather than the already existing breakdown of relationships caused by the remaining leadership of Lordaeron and Dalaran at the time - it could easily have been tied to the Lordaeron vult elements present in vanilla Scarlet Crusade content already without twisting themselves to bits to justify elf conflict and make humans look like the clean ones in that situation.

Alliance edit: Also besides the thesaurus thing putting the alliance front and center over racial identities annoys me more than not having mention of the horde in horde race histories, because the way that plays out 99% of the time is “God Emperor Anduin can do no wrong” which got as grating as the Varian nonsense in Mists.

BElf edit: I stumbled on a wowpedia page while looking for a specific BC quest’s text and based on the talk page, the timestamp on the first time the correction about feeding on fel appears is from around 2.0-2.1. Literally the only reason that became widespread fanon is the rpg, not BC.