Copy Talents button when inspecting others

I think we need a copy talent button. I’ve been running lfr and looking at everyones talents who has high dps, and so far the best way to copy is to screen shot, paste into paint, then manually change talents around.


You can also go to wowhesd and copy paste their strings because that’s where the builds are coming from.


Or Class Discords.

That being said, being able to send/receive talent strings IG would be a nice feature.

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I agree. At least let us copy from our set to chat? It’s just letters. I do wish we didn’t have to go outside of the game to learn and do stuff. But blizzard officially endorses wowhead to handle things they can’t be bothered with. When you try submitting tickets wowhesd always comes up as a suggestion before submitting

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Yeah, and not super long strings like say, WeakAuras are.

Though a WeakAura style link system would be the best way of doing it where you can go “export to chat” or whatever, and someone can import those talents just by clicking the link you’ve sent in chat.

Just use the built in screen shot feature, then you don;t have to paste it into paint. It will just create an save the picture for you. But having a copy talent build would be cool.

Take a picture with your phone and type it in. The string really are just letters and not that many.

You can also just ask them to export the build and import it, those features are built into the talent tree ui.

There ya go copy and import to your toons

I just found this!

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You’re amazing.

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