Copy character - warband conversion+

Continuing the discussion from Feedback: Warband Conversion – June 12:

Can you guys tweak the copy character screen? Or character selection screen on the forums? Or even on item restoration page?

All are basically just a dump of toons on the account with varying degrees of bad UX.

I took a quick glance before this post, looks like the forum “change character” feature on the forums now includes filter. Excellent. Not sure why the character box is so large, why not the old ui that showed more toons at a time, but with the included filter?

The copy character is particularly egregious. It is just a giant list of toons. No filter. Not sorted alphabetically. I think maybe grouped by server (it has been a while). Not yet up on Beta to verify. I just remember it being really really bad.

Item restoration was the least bad. I think it lets you filter on account and server and then you can just ctrl+f (browser search) to get to the toon.

I know these are “first world problems” so not a big deal, but just an observation. If you are pushing the 20+ toon mark it got messy.

On a positive note, the changes to warbands (account bound), transmog farming, and even the better chance on first attempt of the day (mounts) - has made the need for giant stables of alts dramatically less necessary.

Not to go too off-topic, but please keep drops to >= 1% (i.e. no galleons, shas, etc… talk about awful grinds). It is in large part what led to the degen maxed out accounts on alts.

Has this started? I can’t see available realms on PTR TWW 11.0

I’m dumb… that’s tomorrow.

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What about now? I’m ready with many alts to copy over.

I’m guessing it’s still getting up and going for the transfers, but I’m not 100% clear on exactly how the transfers work if we’re not able to log in until the 17th.

Is the post saying we log into the character select screen and use the copy button like in the Beta, and we just can’t log in to the characters until the 17th? Or is there some other process outside of the game to transfer characters that I’m unaware of?

That is my understanding, we should be able to reach the realms, and copy.

Not yet PTR is still on 10.2.6.

I see a PTR for TWW 11.0 but the blue post said the build would be 11.0.1. So I’m guessing we’re still waiting for another update?


PTR just updated.

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But still isn’t 11.0.1

I know and we can’t see the PTR realms yet. But it’s a start… it means they’re working on it.

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I was able to select a test Realm and copy a bunch of Characters on Fyrak. If those aren’t the realm I’ll have to do it again.

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I think those are the the right realms.

Wait so is the PTR a separate testing service? That’s the only thing I’ve been confused over The War Within Beta.

If they open up the PTR separately from the Beta that’s going to really bum me out if I have to start my campaign progress al over again lol.

(And before anyone says anything, yes I know that’s the risk you take when playing Beta content. Any of your characters can be wiped from the servers at any given time to reset the game.)

Yes the PTR is separate. What campaign are you talking about? There won’t be any War Within content on the PTR just pre-patch.

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Oh okay.

Yeah I was on Khadgar realm in The War Within beta and got up to level 75. Just didn’t want to start over lol

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So, it appears only 4 characters can be displayed at a time on the Warband screen. I added 7 or 8 characters to the list (from different realms). Clearly you can have characters from different realms on the same Warband character display (sitting around the campfire). I’m curious to see whether all of those characters I added, displayed or not, share achievements, bank, etc., as intended.

The documentation says the warband screen will only display 4 (or 5?) but you can have many more characters in your warband.

Not to mention they all will be wiped regardless at the end of Beta. Don’t get invested in beta characters, no matter what you will lose all progress when it ends.

All this being said, the 11.0 PTR will open next week (6/17) to test the prepatch content, completely separate from the beta testing.

I don’t have the ability to copy any characters at all. The patch version still shows the base 11.0.0. Clicking the ‘Copy Character’ button just opens a blank window with unavailable buttons at the bottom of it. Am I missing something here? Does the 11.0.1 patch make this feature available? I’ve literally just installed 11.0.0 now. I created a new toon okay, and she appears. I don’t usually muck around with beta/PTR stuff, so I’m confused.

EDIT: I’m a twit and didn’t know there were actual test realms, rather than the default realm when one first starts the game. Problem solved.

I made a post about this on the beta forums.

Any toon on your account is part of your warband. They really should remove that “favorite” list, because it gives the false impression that only those 4 slots are part of the warband, which is not the case (they all are).

I basically created 5 toons (4 in favorite box) 1 outside and validated the non-favorited toon still had access to the warbank, which it did.

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