Cooldown/buff tracking for enhance

Hi there! I was wondering if anyone could give me some advice on ways I could better track some of my smaller cooldowns as well as Maelstrom Weapon stacks? Specifically, I really need something to remind myself that Windfury Totem and Vesper Totem are off CD, and possibly something that tells me “hey, you’ve got 8 stacks of Maelstrom Weapon”. ElvUI gives me the buff timer above my character frame, but it’s a bit below my sightline so sometimes easy to miss, and I prefer to keep my action bars at the bottom of my screen, which… while preferable from an aesthetic and general field of view perspective for me (and not something I want to change), has definitely made it so I miss my Windfury and Vesper Totem CDs sometimes. LOL

Is there an addon that would maybe flash something up in a customizable spot on my screen when those two buttons are up? Or can I do something in ElvUI to manage this? Thanks in advance!

Sounds like the ‘weak auras’ addon is what you need.

I use a combination of Weak Auras, ELVUI, and Neuron (although I plan to redo it at some point to get rid of reliance on Neuron since that addon has largely felt abandoned this xpac).

Weak Auras does most of the heavy lifting tho.

The maeltsrom bar displays the # of charges as well as changes color depending on count: 1-4 = blue (building), 5-7 yellow (usable, but not optimal), and 8-10 red (need to dump… also flashes the lightning overlay for good measure).

WF totem flashes when Doomwinds is off cd (and has a countdown when dropped for how long DW buff will remain active) plus a separate WF icon warning displays if out of range of totem (or it’s expired/been destroyed).

and all the other bells and whistles (hide out of combat, cooldown timers, buff time remaining countdowns on the button, etc)


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I use tell me when. Pretty easy to work with and has alot of functionality. Can put icons wherever you want on your screen.


Thanks, y’all! I’ll look into fiddling with these. :slight_smile:

I also use weak auras for cooldown tracking. You can find the bundle I use by searching “Weber enhancement weak aura”. It’s got convenient bars showing how long you have Ascendance or Doom Winds for, how long until you have to refresh flame shock, that sort of thing.