I think the cooldown tracker is a good start, however, it could be improved. With this feedback I think this will improve.
Right now, the tracker doesn’t account for on use items. Which people would like to know when their trinket or item CD is off CD and when the effect will end. Something like that would be really nice. I have the new on-use back from the raid. I used it and I had no indication on how long it was lasting and how long the CD was. As a player I love playing with my actions bars hidden. I shouldn’t have to make a whole new action bar just for trinket cooldown tracking with this new feature
There should be an option in the cooldown tracker on what specific spells you want to be included. You could do something like the quick keybind mode in keybind section but for what spells you want to track. Giving all the spells, depending on the class, sometimes they’re used in a very specific situation such as a dungeon or raid. Being able to remove that cooldown from the cooldown tracker when I don’t need it would be amazing and vice versa. So I propose once you click this button it’ll open the spell book and you can left click to select spells for it track and it’ll automatically go into the tracker category its supposed to be in and right-click to be removed from the tracking. As for instance, why isn’t blessed hammer in the essentials cooldown for protection paladin. With this Tracker button, I could put it there if need be. This should be incorporated with the talent tree as well! I wish having Gift of the Golden Val’kyr part of the tracked bar section as just a quick example. This would in summary be two buttons one for spellbook and one for talent tree.