Cooking and Campfire Toys

Cooking and campfire toys are widely used by RP communities and raiding groups alike. Camp and cooking fires in RP are frequently used and have been used wisely across all expansions. One of the things the RP community would really appreciate is that the duration on these cooking and campfire toys be extended to 10 mins, and the cooldown reduced to 10 mins. At the moment the durations and cooldowns vary widely on items that the community really enjoys and would make even more use out of if they were standardized to better meet our needs.

To avoid abuse, we do feel that it is good that the campfires all on the same cooldown. That way 1 player can’t spam out 100 cooking fires to spam areas with. With that said, a longer fire duration benefits large cooking needs for raiding groups, speaking from my old raiding days of being our raiding guilds cook and fisher that had to do the cooking at raid time for our group. Cause man, I often got piles of food given to me at raid, and being able to just power through the cooking without needing to refresh the fire would have been nice.

Cooking Fire Spell we would like the duration changed to 10 mins, with a 10 min cooldown.

Campfire Toys we would like the duration changed to 10 mins, with a 10 min cooldown.

With that said, I do confer a lot with roleplayers and we try to think up things that the Blizzard dev teams could do to help us out while also doing these changes at low cost. These small changes will add a wide spread value to the community, in the long run.


Really good point, these are excellent for setting the mood in any RP setting, and it’s a shame they don’t operate on more or less the same cooldown as the regular Cooking Fire (in the case of the ones that have the same function).


For clarification purposes, included in the toy list are some items that are not camp fires, but are often used by players to sit around and engage with as rp like sitting around a camp fire. Which is why they were added to this request list.


This could’ve been a merged but since two different ones, I’ll echo here too.

All items like seats, teas, etc, should be given the 1 to 1 treatment. The cooldown should be as long, or shorter than the up time.