Convoke the Spirits is still ruining the game

With Full Moon it was possible. Without Full Moon… Absolutely not possible anymore, sadly. hehe. Not even close. Though it was fun while it lasted of seeing that Stray Disco-Ball fly off into the distance and nearly one-shot the unsuspecting melee.

pressing all ur cds at once and 2 shotting someone while full healing ur self or being immune to damage isnt very skillful either lol… players are playing ret paladin and killing others with 0 skill.


Is this a bg scenario? I just do not see a world where targeted combust that’s harder to stop than convoke on a 1min CD compared to the 3min CD you have to stack with convoke to even hope for a one shot is somehow more op lol. Rets and mages are hands down more broken than boomkin convoke atm. Not saying convoke one shots are not meh, but I’m not gonna take the heat off your busted class cause boom kind can do something similar on a much longer CD and are easier to stop.

-I don’t play Ret.
-I never said Mages or Ret was fine.
-But yes, having to actually target someone with the intention of killing them is (barely) harder to do than jumping out of stealth, throwing your hands in the air, and killing someone with random skills you didn’t even press.

Definitely happened to me last night. Read my above posts.

i mean its rng, there is 0 rng involved in pressing bubble, wings and 1 deaging someone.


Never said it was otherwise. :kissing_heart:

Yeah having 56k hp and getting one shot by convoke as a tank that has 18% magic damage reduction on top of it is quite stupid.

You realize tanks take more dmg in pvp right? Did imprison, kick, etc fall off your bars?

if you die to convoke now you are bad

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Sure, then let me make some suggestions for warrior.

Intervene should have a 1.5 second activation time after charging to your target.

Bladestorm should only remove roots after you’ve finished the cast or ended it.

Spell reflect should immediately be removed upon the succession of a spell cast by an enemy player targeting the warrior, not upon actual spell hit.

See, I can make really bad warrior changes too, but the difference is I understand why these would be trash changes.


Um I got charged by a warrior that got hit with my imprison then rooted by the boomie then convoked and I was not in range you kick.

Um did you just assume things or think it’s ok for someone to do 56k+ damage.

It’s not really 56k dmg when your literally taking what is it 40% increased dmg in pvp as a tank? Btw how long ago was this because if you were rooted convoke can’t hit you, it was a bug that got patched.

This morning.

Sooo did you trinket the root lol? Or did someone else break it, cause it ignores rooted targets.

That doesn’t matter. He doesn’t need to be targeting anyone. He’ll just target whoever got hit by the worst stuff after the convoke (unless the moonkin can position himself so it only channels into one person). It still doesn’t need to have that person targeted though.

It doesn’t matter if I trinketed the root I was unable to even get to them in time to kick and I died.

What are we drawing this out for? Convoke is broken and does way too much damage still. That’s the point of this discussion not the ifs.


Honestly, it gets better/easier to deal with as you move up in the gear level, particularly as a Mage or anything that gets extra ehp.

Convoke has never really been “That crazy”. The issue with it is that, particularly in the 16-2k bracket, most people can very easily die to 2 back to back Starsurges, and those surges can easily go off before someone can reasonably react to it between average human reaction speed and latency.

Once you get into the territory of not dying to a back to back starsurge (IE 34k+ HP), Convoke loses a lot of its potency in actual practice.

It’s just a poorly designed RNG spell that has the ability to high roll to (imo) unacceptable levels for any competitive game. I don’t lose to it often, or have issues with its performance, but an ability with a variance as wide as doing effectively nothing, to instantly winning the game, is always going to be a sore topic. Imo.

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Right, I just mean who is he closest to. Is he going to hit 3 people or 1? In hindsight where he was behind me so the answer was obvious. So while processing a few thoughts my brain didn’t catch up in the 2 seconds before I died to say “rapture.” The positioning was awkward, where seeing the convoke cast in front of you, for example, makes responding to it easier. Like, yeah I understand the mistake, but the whole scenario is just really awful design.

So you trinketed the root that was making it so that you couldn’t be hit, and took less dmg than combust would have done to you, just seems like a huge miss play on your part my guy. Convoke can be damaging, and I’m not gonna excuse 20k starsurgex2 in 0.2sec, but that doesn’t seem what happened here. You were given a way to outplay it and failed, than a boomkin got effectively a 3min CD off on you completely and you died. Btw I kill DH tanks with 60k hp faster on my enh shaman than what you described here, and you wouldn’t have the option to sit the root to avoid it or kick it.