Convoke state after weeks

Honestly don’t have as much of an issue with convoke as I do ret paladins, combust dmg, triune, the rogue conduit that shields so they can infinitely restealth, 1.5m die by the sword, ignore pain spam, and 6s intervene. Convoke is pretty easily countered compared to everything I just listed imo. And in the rare case convoke does destroy me randomly with fullmoon it feels a lot less bad than a rogue mage literally running all game and asking for 1m+ between goes to reset cds while being unkillable, or rets only need to get 3 globals off in wings to Hiroshima my poor druid friend.

I think the difference is good rogue mage teams are completely different than bad ones. Good ones control the entire fight and leaving you desperately fighting to put any pressure out, bad ones play like mongos and get run over. A monkey with 1 arm and no legs can press convoke while interrupt is down. And get a lucky 1 shot. Rets weren’t the topic but I agree they need some balancing.

It is what it is. The skill is not overpowered because it is balanced around RNG, which is why people hate it.For every uncounterable instant full moon gib, there are 25 games where it did basically nothing and 24 where it put out a medium amount of pressure before being interrupted. Convoke balance druid have pretty poor arena representation at higher ranks. For casters alone, fire mages are five times as prominent at the high ranks.

So why is there so much less outcry against fire mages despite being clearly very superior? Because it feels less bad to lose against them. Sure they have more mobility, are tankier, have great control, and a strong burst window. But they cant kill you in .5 seconds once every 50 games.

Convoke is not overpowered. It doesnt need a nerf. It really should just be completely reworked, because it is going to continue to frustrate people despite balance druid mediocre arena representation (and the fact that a ton of top players use kyrian instead).

There have been times when i get rooted in beam and the convoke seems to do nothing to me. Maybe roots are considered CC so it avoids that target? Try sitting the root next time. If you are going to get dumped on anyways might as well see how it goes.

This is a bad argument.
“At peak its not that good” So 90% of playerbase just get !#%!#% by it… lol

full moon just needs to not be in the rotation and star surge damage should be reduced by about 20%, buff wrath and their dot damage but ton down the instant 1 shot nukes. their damage profile is almost the same as marksman if we had instant aimedshot every single time we was in trueshot.

This is a git gud situation.

Convoke does not work through roots. If a boomkin roots you, don’t panic. It actually means you are safe for the time being. Root/silence only works to shut down healers or mana dps.


Wat? I was rooted into silence… convoke does not work on what?

Correct. I edited my original response. You said you trinketed out of the root though, which was the reason it worked on you. First thing I learned when I tried boomkin was that open into root/silence makes you simply cast a bunch of regrowths on yourself. It only works to shut down healers or mana dps temporarily. So, if you get rooted by a moonkin, just relax because you aren’t going to die yet.

It’s not a bad argument, you are grossly exaggerating the amount of games that convoke has a large impact in. Hell I play low brackets and I cant even remember losing a partner to an enemy convoke. Everyone is acting like its the scourge of arena you are constantly facing instead of a stupid encounter happening maybe 1/100 games. I have certainly had disgusting burst from mine, but the full moon gib right out the gate? That almost never happens.

I am pointing out the flaw in convoke is design based, not its power.

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Convoke doesnt hit into mass entangle, but it does hit cycloned targets, pets, totems.

It’s a meme tier one shot ability that only noobs run at low mmr to dominate other noobs

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So i have to link gladiators dying instantly to convoke to prove it… so those druid alts will “believe” me :flushed:

rooted targets don’t get targeted by druids aoe spells i’m pretty sure convoke counts as an aoe spell so it wont target what you have rooted.

Wow you are being obtuse. I am not denying it can gib. I know it can first cast full moon. I am denying its over powered because its probably the most RNG heavy ability ever made.

If you are going to balance it around the 1/100 high end roll, it also needs to be balanced around the low rolls where it goes off and does nothing. It needs a rework. Not a nerf.

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So it killed me because i trinketd roots, if i didn’t it won’t even target me? thats interesting…

i think people don’t realize the ability can really suck to use. they think it’s an instant one shot every time lol

yup had you stayed in the root you would not have been hit with convoke. i’ve learned this the hard way blowing my 2 minute cooldown because i had people rooted in mass entanglement.

thats pretty false, i ran into multiple boomkin holy pally teams at 2600+ mmr yesterday in 3s that ran around in bearform, untill they had covoke an pally bop + aura mastery an he proced full moon and 1 shot my ret pally from full hp, we coulda responded with bubble and turtle, so that was our bad, but it was still a super cheese strat that appear to be working at really high mmr.

cheese strat does not mean viable. that works against a team once then the next time it gets easily countered and are left with nothing. i watched supatease beat every single night fae druid last night because once they blew their load they had nothing and his team just waited for convoke to happen and countered it every time. there some scary moments where they got unlucky and got hit with instant full moons but they still lived. meanwhile supatease is forcing cooldowns every minute because he’s kyrian and would just eventually overrun them because he had damage and they didn’t

i mean if you’re facing a boomkin and can see he’s not kyrian (he doesn’t have the kindred spirits buff), and you don’t focus him to stop/counter it, that’s kinda on you. When pallies pre-bop it you just cc them.

rather, as soon as you see the bop just cc cause you know the next thing the druid is going to do is press convoke, pretty obvious tell