Convoke cast being interrupted?

I’m pushing m+ and every 20 Convokes or so, Convoke interrupts it’s own cast and I can’t figure out why.
It happened twice in one Tyr boss fight tonight and bricked the key.
I’ve tried googling, nothing.
Any druids know what’s going on with Convoke (resto)?
Here is my macro I also found with google:

#showtooltip Convoke the Spirits /cast Nature's Swiftness /cast Convoke the Spirits

I always had bad luck macro’ing things with convoke. Nature’s swiftness might interrupt the channel if you experience any lag.

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I had the same issue last tier and this macro fixed it for me.

“/cqs” makes it so Convoke ignores any other spell you might accidentally cast while channeling, hence the interrupts.

#showtooltip Convoke the Spirits
/cast [nochanneling] Nature’s Swiftness
/cast Convoke the Spirits


I noticed if you spam grove guardians and then use it the cast stops instantly and it goes on cd.

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When grove gusrdians are summoned, their first cast counts as a cast frim you, and can interrupt a channel like tranquility or convoke.

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I will look into all this if I remember to check back here in 10 hrs! lol Thank you!!