Convoke Bugged in Macros

I made a macro to cast Nature’s Swiftness and Convoke the Spirits in the same cast. It worked fine in town when I first made the macro. The next day I was in a M+ and realized that the macro no longer worked and had to drag convoke from my spellbook mid run to be able to cast it.

I believe it’s the same bug reported in the Druid forums a couple weeks ago in this thread: Convoke in a macro bug

In this thread the OP mentions it can be fixed by re-logging and that the issue seems to be changing specs or hearthing sometimes causes the macro to try to use the Shadowlands version of the spell that you no longer have. I also believe a few weeks ago I saw a thread or reddit post or something mentioning it may only happens to druids who also are currently in the Night Fae covenant.

Just thought I’d mention it in this forum as well since search didn’t find a post about it here and it’s obviously a bug. Just wanted to make sure the devs were aware of the issue.

This is still bugged, but I fixed this bug by finally just switching covenants since I have no idea if/when Blizzard will fix it.

Unfortunately there’s a second even worse bug with convoke in macros. If I macro convoke with NS and a trinket, it will randomly just completely fail and waste the cooldown. It stops casting convoke immediately after casting it, leaving it on cooldown but having done nothing. This seems entirely random but happens frequently enough that it’s not worth leaving it in a macro and risking it failing at a bad time (and is also mentioned in the thread I linked above, so it’s happening to other people as well).

I also tried just macroing NS + Convoke to see if it was the trinket for some reason, but that randomly fails as well.

Just because you haven’t mentioned, did you try the solution in the linked thread that worked for other folks?

I think that might have been a suggestion to fix the covenant related bug where it wouldn’t cast at all, which I no longer have since I changed covenants, but no, it does not fix the bug that makes convoke simply stop casting immediately and waste the cooldown.

I tried shift clicking the ability in the spellbook into the macro and it automatically adds the shadowlands tag (which in and of itself should probably be considered another bug since it isn’t the shadowlands version of the spell), but that doesn’t stop the ability from randomly failing and wasting the cooldown.

Fair enough, just thought I’d throw it out there.

Good luck.

The permanent fix is to go back to Shadowlands and switch to a different covenant, one who’s spell doesn’t overlap any of the talent choices.