Hello, all! Just wanting to let this place know that if anyone is looking for a chill, small guild to just hang out and enjoy the game more casually, Convocation is there for you! We’re always open to new players and veterans alike! We’re small, we’ve existed since Vanilla and we love helping people and goofing off!
Feel free to find us in the guild finder or whisper me in game!
Just updating this to let everyone know we will be going cross faction! WOOO
We do some M+ and fun nights of things, along with goofing off and sometimes even some RP.
If you’re interested, the guild is listed in Guild Finder Alliance side and if you want in on Horde side, just toss me in game mail to Pendulix-KirinTor and we’ll get you in.
Also, if you want to whisper me in game with any questions, you’ll most often see me on this character, as it’s become my main this expansion.
With Pandamonium incoming, we invite people to join us for fun stuff!