Convince me to roll WYRM

I like raiding and pvp. Obviously I like RP too.


Allow me to introduce myself; my name is Sarestha. I am a Forsaken Death Knight, and sporadic forum lurker.

Based on what you’ve said…

You should roll WYRM.

Please submit your full, detailed resume, with cover letter, in response to this thread, and a panel of the Wyrmrest RP Council will consider your application, and get back to you in 3-5 business days.


Have you ever walked down an alley and seen a door? Not just any door but a conspicuous door, a door where a door ought not to be, a door placed there, as if by a narrative hand, to draw the eye specifically to it? And have you ever pounded on that door and found it unyielding, as cold and cruel as a parent whose expectations outran their sympathy? And have you ever wondered, in all the nights you’ve woken up in a cold sweat, what was behind that door?

The answer.

Is Wyrmrest Accord.


Name: Hi I’m Vekka
RP Background: Yes
RP Qualifications: I have a big sword


sets a folding chair down in the front row of the crowd that is gathering, sits down, then takes a few swigs of coffee from a giant tankard

Did I miss anything yet?

Hi there!

I never saw a “door” per se. It’s more like a wyrmhole.

Just roll an alt and give it a go but please keep your hands and feet inside the ride at all times.



Why. Why did you say that.


Come to Wyrmrest Accord, we have: Soup, ghosts, tea, elves, memes, and cool people.


Holy heck, Enekie. You should work in marketing.

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Thanks Vekka. Based on this information, we’ve come to the conclusion that we came to based on the above. Thank you for applying to WrA. We are pleased to inform you that your application was received and given due attention and ponderance. Several factors lead to our decision:
-Your thread
-Your name
-Your background
-Your qualifications
With this information in hand, which we know you took great efforts to provide us with, and we appreciate these efforts, our decision was easily made.

Pursuant of the councils deliberation process, certain criteria are expected of new applicants and transfer personnel. You can find these criterion under article XIV section 17 subsection a.2 of the Wyrmrest Accord Greater Community Council Articles of Independence (Henceforth referred to as WRAGCCAI or Wragchickachai via elocution.) We allow applicants the opportunity to review criterion and assess their own candidacy so as to alleviate the burden of responsibility on our member citizens and catalysts. For clarification, please contact Kirsy, deputy administrative directive director (DAD Director henceforth pursuant the Title Shortening Act IV 2017.)

Lance Topsail


And dwarves! Cool people and dwarves!


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Because I like astronomy, physics and play a Kaldorei.


See, the thing I like about being an elfophile while aging is because the older I get, the more effective my elf RP gets.

“WYRM”? Is that the younger races’ terminology for something banal that I’m too cultured to understand?

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…wait, what? I’m a DAD now?

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That is correct. Congrats.

*whispers to himself *

“Whoops. I didn’t fill one those things out.”

looks around with a forced and uncomfortably panicked smile then pulls his top hat down tight and nonchalantly ducks into the shadows

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Logging in to a character on Wyrmrest Accord is like stepping into a field of psychotropic mushrooms whose effects are only experienced by walking barefoot through the dung from which the fungus grows and doing so gets you higher than seven donkeys in an oxygen bar.

Congratulations!! :dracthyr_love_animated: :dracthyr_heart: :dracthyr_yay_animated:

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…thanks? What am I the dad of? Should I be worried? Do I get paternity leave?

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Just go out to get some milk and cigarettes and you’ll be fine.

Do it soon though, otherwise you’ll start calling people “Sport” and “Champ” and then the tongs will manifest in your hands. Don’t click them together, or you’ll summon the Grill and then you will be truly lost.