Convince me that r druid is not the easiest healer in arena!

5 Insta cast heals.
Insta travel form (hot yourself then travel) = almost untrainable.
Starts invisible/ counters rogue.
Easy to use abilities IMO / compared to abilities that require great reflexes like purge, grounding totem or tremor totem.

I do not want to offend the class, i have a 120 druid alt, ppl say druid is the hardest healer, i am confused, i want to know what are the difficulties r druids face when in arenas.

Are those 1400 resto druids stomping you little guy.


I am bad at being trained.
8 out of 10 games are like:
Arms and dh sit on me,i put stun totem, kite in wolf form, try to cast, kicked, put totems, cast heal again, kicked again, cast again , stunned, die in 1 min, i cannot purge and use totems properly because the pressure to stay alive and the huge kit to manage is too much for me.

I do not want to offend druids, i know thta ‘easy’ is a pejorative adjective. I just wanted to heal in arenas and i think that healer’s survivability is primordial.

Maybe at low ratings. I’m playing 2s at about 2200 atm and rdruid is super weak. You constantly have to global weak hots and go oom super fast. You don’t have an oh crap button to save a low health partner, instead you have to leave bear form and global 5 times to try and heal = dead in the water. Clone and roots cost way too mana mana, compared to cc of other healers (hex hoj mc fear rep legsweep incap rop etc). Clone and roots are hardcast too. Theres no way to reduce bash cd and you need to get in to melee to use it. Also our heals get spam purged HARD which hurts us bad. We also have low damage for high mana cost moonfire/sunfire.

Really, we need our mana cost to be lowered greatly, and rejuvenate needs to be undispellable. 4 globals to heal the same amount as other heals do in one global, for x4 the mana cost…lol it’s a joke. Resto is bottom tier healer in arena in s4. Our kit just doesnt scale w corruption, unlike other healers’ kits. Very frustrating. Rake stun in feral affinity is ok but you lose damage reduction and dont have frenzied regrowth so it’s not an option against DH arms dk ww assassin, basically any melee comps.


Just play some arena on a resto and you’ll change your mind quick about them being “easy”. There’s a reason why the have the lowest repsentation above glad other than holy priest which isn’t even a pvp spec. The only place they are decent is 2s and that has more to do with pairing with a busted dps than anything else.