Even Reddit offers you the option to use the Old Reddit (which I do use btw). They should allow people to use the old page numbers if they want.
For me it’s easier to remember a post being on page 3 than being post X of Y.
Also, how do you see how many likes you have? I can see other people’s.
It’s more difficult to follow a conversation. Pages compartmentalize the conversation so you can view it piece by piece until you’ve read the entire topic. Infinite scroll just starts you off wherever, skipping several posts so you may not have the full context of what’s already been discussed.
I can tell you that sometimes my husband or I will be posting on a thread and mention to the other where we’d posted. Or mentioned a particular post we thought was good. “Oh, make sure to check out page 3 on that thread, that’s where I started replying.” Now it’ll be…“Uh, I’m on there somewhere!”
I have a pretty slow computer. Infinite scrolling causes my chrome to freeze up while it loads dozens or more posts I have no plans on even reading, just because I don’t have the option to have them not load if I scroll any amount through the page.
I don’t think either system is great or terrible. I preferred pages b/c it gave me an indication that I had read all the active posts and could go back to the top of the first page and refresh to see what was new.
I would think that was a personal conclusion and resulting opinion.
Not my job to attempt to brain wash you to my way of seeing things, which may or may not be the same way you see things.
I actually prefer the new layout.
I’d like to be able to somehow mark a post in a thread so I know I’ve read up to that point without having to remember a post number, but aside from that I’m impressed with the new layout.
There are several reasons for wanting to go back to a post. For example, if I was replying to a post and wanted to recheck the one I’m replying to before posting. If I want to go back to someone’s post after exiting, like for tips on pet battles, etc. or just refreshing my memory about a post.
I also just noticed that although I replied to a specific post, the preview only shows what I’m currently typing.
I don’t hate it.
It’s a little odd to see only because I’m not used to it but that’ll change in time.
One thing that really bothers me about people is that if they can’t think of a reason someone wants to do something, then there must not be one.
I don’t mind the change, but there is way too much wasted real estate on the left and right sides of the posts. That little blue gadget used to scroll needs to be pushed out farther and personally, I’d like a way to disable all of the little character icons and stats from displaying on my end. I like clean lines, not cluttered and useless (to me) stuff.
We gave a ton of constructive feedback in the other thread where the Y CM asked for it. Now that thread is deleted. They do not want our feedback and your thinly veiled attempt to get green text is annoying. Who do you think you are that we have to convince you as to why this is bad, when the company itself who created the mess is shoveling the feedback into the abyss? A lot of us have design backgrounds and gave specific items of concern dealing with usability, navigation, too large of chunks to digest, etc.
amen to that.
That actually somewhat nails it.
Paged forums were akin to filing systems. This new “format” has next to no organization and is akin to someone that keeps every document and application in their HD on the desktop or in one single folder with no hierarchy.
There is good reason why paged forums are the most used, just as folder systems of computer systems are still a thing.
ORGANIZATION and ability to digest in manageable chunks.
Speaking of books, even KINDLES have pages. Could you imagine if it were just text that continually scrolled down to the end of the book? Could you imagine if google suddenly made kindles do that and then had lackeys like this OP defending it and demanding that the customers convince them that it was not a good change?
You create a thread mocking other human beings and demanding they “properly explain” their personal preference with reasons that “make sense” without in any way – properly, sensibly, or otherwise – explaining your own.
You could have simply made a PSA addressing common complaints you’re hearing from people who “just don’t realize some other function” does what they want, and describing how to use that new function.
You know else a kindle (just like an actual book) can do? Use a bookmark. Doesn’t matter if there’s endless scrolling if it puts you right back where you left off when you come back to it anyway.
Additionally, books tend to have chapters. Sometimes the separation of those chapters is notable. Endless scrolling of a book would not get rid of chapters. Terrible example.
In any case, perhaps a decent compromise, rather than having a full-on legacy option is to just list the “page number” alongside the date on the blue scrollbar. Or move the date above the post count and put the page number below it. That way you still have your larger sections to call back to if you for whatever reason need that, but we don’t have to have 2 versions of the forums floating around for no real reason.
See, and right now my CPU usage for chrome is 0.3% and my memory usage is ~700MB (which is consistent with what I checked on the first day of this thread in a 500+ post thread, leading me to believe thread size has very little if any impact). Perhaps they messed something up for the Mac/iOS platform, but given my numbers it’s clearly not simply a matter of infinite scrolling resulting in ridiculous numbers.
Convince you (or whoever)?
You either like it or you dont.
I do. You dont have to.
Its how things are now so Id think getting adjusted to it is more important right now than spending time complaining about it is.
I want to skip to the end to see the latest post, but infinite scrolling makes that a pain.
The ‘format’ is in the form of that slider bar over to your right. It can be clicked and held to slide to any single post in the thread.
Absolutely loving being able to do that instead of that page clicking annoyance.