Convert Secure Macro Button to Worldmarker Button?

Is there a way to convert this into a secure worldmarker button and still cycle the index on click? Bonus if it clears on shift-click.

local b = CreateFrame("Button", "_MB", nil, "SecureActionButtonTemplate")
b:SetAttribute("*type5","macro") SecureHandlerWrapScript(b,"PreClick",b,'Z=IsShiftKeyDown()and 0 or(Z or 0)%8+1 self:SetAttribute("macrotext5","/wm [@cursor] "..Z)')

The macro to trigger this version is

/cwm [mod:shift] 0
/click _MB Button5

Also, I’m not stuck on button 5, it’s just something I stole from the original macro.

Tried the following and it gives me the reticle to place {square} but doesn’t increment and I’d like it to place without a 2nd click.

local b = CreateFrame("Button", "_MB", nil, "SecureActionButtonTemplate")
b:SetAttribute("*type5","worldmarker") SecureHandlerWrapScript(b,"PreClick",b,'Z=IsShiftKeyDown()and 0 or(Z or 0)%8+1 self:SetAttribute("marker"..Z,"set")')

Looks like to place the marker at cursor I need to pass cursor as a 2nd argument to PlaceRaidMarker() which worldmarker secure buttons don’t appear to support.

Haven’t made any progress on this since yesterday but I confirmed Z was being incremented so I’m not sure why it wasn’t translating through to the actual marker being placed.

Looks like I’m doing it wrong, gonna steal this code from ExRT when servers come back up.

frame:SetAttribute("type", "worldmarker")
frame:SetAttribute("marker", tostring(Z))
frame:SetAttribute("action", "set")
frame:SetAttribute("shift-action", "clear")

Alright, I’ve got everything working except being able to skip the left click to place the reticle, any ideas?

local b = CreateFrame("Button", "_MB", nil, "SecureActionButtonTemplate")
b:RegisterForClicks("AnyUp", "AnyDown")
b:SetAttribute("action", "set")
SecureHandlerWrapScript(b,"PreClick",b,'Z=IsShiftKeyDown() and 0 or (Z or 0)%8+1 self:SetAttribute("marker",tostring(Z))')

I had a quick go at it and doesn’t look like it’s possible to place at cursor when using the worldmarker type :frowning: