Controversy: Remove Might of the Frozen wastes

And just make dw or 2h purely cosmetic.

monks it is purely cosmetic besides a being a couple percentage point difference.

same can be done with frost. it would be so much more healthier for frost to be tuned around it.


would have to be able to use two runes on 2h. right now MOTFW is the 2nd runeforge

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more my point was they could tune both to have roughly the same damage output.

then they could add a point in the tree like if using a 2h you get access to 2 runes.

something like that.

but i prefer dw over 2h, but i hate breath so then your only choice is obliteration. but its far better with 2h.


Counterpoint, remove dual wielding, because using two weapons is antithetical to the juggernaut fantasy.


No. And there is no juggernaut class fantasy. If DK was an actual juggernaut in how the forums talk about it you guys would 100% hate it. You wouldnt be able to catch anything and people hate playing against DG into being 1 shot.


And when have they successfully done that? They have tried over and over and it just doesn’t work because frost is designed from the ground up to dual wield. Its been that way since they were introduced in Wrath.

Its the same way with people that want 2h enhancement. Enhancement shamans (like frost DKs) are designed from the ground up to dual wield. Every part of their kit is designed around it.

The only way to even begin to make 2h remotely viable on either of these classes is through a talent like obliteration that pretty much breaks the rest of the spec. How is that working out so far?

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Stop making posts


Why? Because I want the class to actually be fun to play and mechanically sound?


1 I wasnt even talking to you

2 You arent even posting on a DK character

3 Your ideas are bad anyway

4 I without a doubt have at least 4-5x the amount of playtime on DK as you


Then tag who you are talking to, otherwise the person who posted right before you will assume you are talking to them

completely irrelevant

So explain why you think so

I mained DK for 3 expansions. I don’t really care if that’s more or less than you.

As cool as saying this probably makes you feel, talking to people like this is how you wind up with people who hold an opposing viewpoint just because you don’t hold that viewpoint. Just saying.


I do not care


False, all 3 specs was designed to be either dw or 2-hand in wrath.

In fact in wrath, if you wanted DW, unholy was the go to spec for it.


2h Frost was technically possible as you could equip a 2h weapon, but it was a meme. All frost DKs were dual wield.

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Blizzard themselves have described DK as a juggernaut a plethora of times.


Factually untrue.
I broke fdks that were dumb enough to dual wield in wotlk.

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No they werent. This is like saying Ret was designed to use a sword and board or that Arms was designed to be DW as well. There was nothing restricting Arms from DW, none what so ever.

So was Arms designed to be either DW or 2h? Absolutely not and Frost wasnt designed to use a 2h.

Then why cant a single person actually bring them up calling them a juggernaut and actually describing what they mean by that. Is it the unstoppable, destructive and merciless meaning of the word that fits a lot of classes, or do they mean what the forums thinks it means?

No you didnt. DW hit harder than 2h and that is a fact. I guess you dont know how DW works. DW for frost turns 2 1h weapons into a 2h weapon (and in wrath better than a 2h weapon). 1 1h weapon is 75% of a 2h weapon, and the second 1h weapon makes up the other 25%, then Nerves of Cold Steel increased that 25% beyond what a 2h would do.


Yup- plus you got bonus hit for dual wielding. That was a nice bonus back when DK spells were on the caster hit table at 17%, not to mention a second runeforge.

Anybody saying 2h frost was better than dw in Wrath is flat out wrong.

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Nerves of Cold Steel didnt increase spell hit but Virulence did.

Just looking over Obliterate DW vs 2h right now with 200ilvl weapons and both being 2.6 and 3.6 respectively. 2h hits with Obliterate from 1600-1800 roughtly, so an average of around 1750 non crit and with DW its around 2100-2200. This is without Advantage, Death’s Verdict, FC, RI, cloak enchant, no sigil.

This is with Nerves of Cold Steel and im not about to go respec to prove a point that should be evident.

DW is 2h damage with the benefits of having 2 weapons, always has been. Its literally the best of both worlds and people think 2h = bigger damage. Not true AT ALL when it comes to Frost.


DW unholy was pretty decent, but hard to gear. It wanted two tank weapons because they were the only 1h weapons that had strength on them and most groups gave tanks priority on them. DW unholy didn’t care that they were all fast weapons because the rotation revolved around spells with very few actual weapon strikes.

DW frost cared about weapon damage, and since there were no slow 1h strength weapons in Wrath they all used the slow agility weapons.