Controlled Mayhem | [H] Mankrik | P1 Farmed/P2 Progression | Loot Onslaught | 25man Raid Times Tues/Thu 8 PM – 11PM Server
About Us
Controlled Mayhem raids 25man content twice a week. We also run Karazhan groups on off nights, but they are not required to join. We are currently looking for team-oriented, fun, and positive players. During early P1 we started taking progression more serious and now want to grow the team so we can continue to down TBC content. Currently we run one 25man group and multiple Karazhan groups a week.
- Karazhan - Farm
- Gruul’s Lair - Farm
- Magtheridon - Farm
- SSC 1/6
- TK 0/4
Schedule - Server Time
25 Man
- Tuesday - 8:00 PM - 11:00 PM
- Thursday - 8:00 PM - 11:00 PM
10 Man
- Karazhan is ran on off days. No day specifically. Not required to come. Signs are in discord weekly.
Additional Information:
- We are a flexible guild and know that everyone has IRL things that come up. We do our weekly raid signs up in our discord and build the raid composition the day of raid based on signs up. We aim for 30 people to sign up each raid.
- We log all raids so everyone can use that information to get better.
Loot System = Modified Onslaught System
Controlled Mayhem uses a modified Onslaught system for loot distribution in 25-man raids. What this means is that every raider is required to submit a loot priority list of all items they wish to obtain for the phase and rank them in the order of highest need to lowest. This information is available in a publicly accessible spreadsheet. Items are rewarded to players with the highest item priority for the dropped item.
There are 3 factors that go into creating your item priority:
- Your individual prioritized ranking of the items you want.
- Raid attendance - (If you are asked to sit out of a raid you will get 100% attendance for that day)
- The number of items you obtain during raiding.
Nether Vortex will go towards BOP weapons first then all other items.
Crafted patterns are loot council.
For Karazhan loot is MS > OS & Mains > Alts.
Raider Expectations:
- Full consumables each raid.
- Proper gems and enchants on gear.
- Respectful and positive attitude.
- Basic knowledge of raid mechanics for bosses.
- We expect reasonable attendance but understand that life events happen, and communication is key.
Players with extraordinary talent will be considered. We are not worried about the players that parse the highest. We are more focused on the quality of the player and their willingness to dedicate towards progression raiding.
- Balance: High
- Restoration: Medium
- Beast Mastery: High
- Arcane: Low
- Fire: Low
- Holy: Medium
- Retribution: High
- Holy: Low
- Shadow: High
- Elemental: Low
- Enhancement: Low
- Restoration: Low
How To Apply
Feel free to post on here or use one of the following contacts:
Discord Contacts:
- Officer - Burntmoose#6238
- Officer - Magloriath#0895
- Recruiter - Elohssau#4981
In-Game Contacts
- GM: Eaglekeeper
- Officers: Burntmoose, Brandstaff, Mogh, Seladrys
- Recruiter: Phakina
Controlled Mayhem