Continuing TWW Enhance Shaman Totemic - Surging Totem feedback

Continuing the discussion from Feedback: Shamans:

Since Surging Totem will not scale with either Mastery or Haste, it will not keep up with other talents that do, and will end up de-prioritized as equipment gets better.

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And it requires taking a talent.

Yeah, Totemic requires taking WFT, WFW, LL, Hailstorm / Fire Nova, Sundering and more.


I think the only good use for Totemic, right now, is to use it to solo and do outdoor content, whereas the raiding and dungeon is Stormbringer.

It’s sad because while Stormbringer seems like it works well, I find the theme kind of boring because it’s just all lightning and doesn’t seem to implement the entire toolbox into the lightning.

Totemic I had hope for because it seemed to fit the theming, but looking at the skills it just makes me so upset that this is the way it was.

I’m weird, I LIKED the Searing Totem, and they finally added a way to put it into a rotation without having it be annoying, but it’s in one of the terrible Hero Talent trees I’ve seen.

I think the only thing I like are the Motes, but I wish they would add a Frost Mote, I dunno what they could do with that, but the Motes seem to be the better idea here.

Surging Totem desperately needs to do Elemental damage, that way our Mastery can really help our damage output, and putting it in with Haste would just make it even better. Increase the duration to match the CD so we don’t have 10 seconds of downtime lowering our DPS without the totem. While Totemic Surge works into this, that’s still 7 seconds between dropping the Surging Totem.

I’d say leave it with the same CD as the Windfury Totem, the less babysitting we do with the totem, the better; and if we need to move the totem? We have Totemic Projection.