Continue - Tank dominating damage and heals

Here’s a blood dk img that popped up in a dif thread.

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Include Mistweaver monk too crazy damage output

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First time ive seen a bdk top.
Still see alot more guardians doing that though which means it problably the class not the player.

If anyone thinks guardian pad damage is as useful as my boomy specs rot damage then im not sure what to tell you. Guardians are getting the massive pad damage from protector and brambles synergy. If anyone on the enemy team is blindly spamming aoes then that damage will show up on the boards heavily but it is little ticks of damage that are generally ignorable. I can outheal a guardian as a boomy just standing there tanking his attacks.

Yeah, and that padding is then offset by the padding from healers hots…

what’s wrong with a tank being good at their padding job? most tanks I see don’t break a mil