Not me, I’m respectable.
We literally raise one!
We should know how!
Well it took forever for Oondasta to be tamable…
It’d be nice if they’d at least update with their plans.
New Build…
From the Preamble, it seems we got:
- Druid forms (probably just names, no new forms, plus form split into base form and form color). It seems that most of the work in customization this turn was centered on it. So many forms…
- 24 New human male faces? I don’t think these are really new faces, but the black-skinned/asian faces being split from the standard faces (which were 12). I need to wait servers up to check it.
Beyond the preamble strings, there’s datamining happening that indicate new options being added, but not yet implemented:
Data strings about pet family list Camel, Courser and Mammoth as new.
It is confirmed!
I hope Bone Scorpions are a thing. I need more Scorpions.
Muffinus was talking about taming undead a few days ago. Asking for suggestions of what should be tamable.
Frostwyrms should be tamable.
Ohhh eye options! What race is that tho? I’m glad to see they are still doing customization options! I also noticed that the Allied Races were gone on Wowheads stream, maybe they are being worked on next?
Nope, not gone. It’s just that characters have been wiped out, so our achievements to unlock them were gone. They appeared to me once I imported Alamara to beta.
Thanks!! Also, i was wondering if you can confirm that “Fire cat form” is only for Night Elves? It would make sense since only Night Elves were druid of the flames but it’s kinda unfair. I think everyone loved that form.
Poor Old Blanchy.
Whatever Shadowlands area she ended up in, there seems to be a mount named Sinrunner Blanchy.
I wonder what happened to her.
The “new” humans faces are not new assets, just a different way to offer selection. Instead of 12 faces with options changing with skin color, you can select any face (36 in total), and that face then limits what skin colors are available. This probably will also work for DK faces (which are bugged right now). This was changed only for males so far.
Lol, Nightborne/Lightforged tattoos are bugged. Selecting any tattoo makes them all glossy as if made of plastic.
About druids, I never played them much (my latest one was level 80, lol) so I only have the base forms, some glyph options, the base artifact forms and the PVP Artifact forms and colors. The fire kitty is not available to me. I guess it may be linked to obtaining the fire seed toy that drops in Firelands?
More necklaces? More necklaces. Perhaps you would like you knee caps replaced by gems? Yes, yes you would.
Probably this. I’d assume it’ll go from being a toy to being an unlock for fire cat form.
Skin colors should be unrestricted!