Continuation of New Customisation Options for: Void Elves, Blood Elves, & misc high elves

Stop taking everything so personally like it’s a personal attack, you’ll be better off.

I only commented because it’s just getting so old people portraying the disagreement over Elves as personal.

Meanwhile it does get personal a lot of times and usually from the same side and it isn’t people arguing against further HE customization.

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This. So much this. Night elves are well off in some cases, but weren’t held to some standards. Draenei have multiple jewelry color options, which not a lot of other races got. Also female nelves don’t have tattoos.

And humans got a lot, but their scars are still attached to specific faces instead of separate options. I feel like races who were done earlier were done differently. But even some of the later ones are also inconsistent like that.


Female Night Elves not having the tattoo options, and NE males and BE males not getting jewelry options I feel like represents a larger thing that I hope is corrected. Because keeping accessories locked like that could be an issue for many races.



Blizzard needs to pick a few lanes and keep with it across the board. This willy nilly each race has each option set differently gets old quick.

Then you get the races that got next to nothing of any value.

Then you have AR’s where most of them got literally nothing.

There is a lot of work left for Blizzard to do here for ALL races.

And lets be real here. They wont do it all at the same time.




This still bugs me, to the point I changed my Demon Hunters from males to females and put them in more clothes because I couldn’t have jewelry options while almost naked and male. It makes me sad. Lol.

Gods I wish we had that.

My main orc toon is supposed to be Blackrock.


This is him.


My longtime main is meant to be a Dragonmaw

The most chad orc clan

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Holy cow, I am mindblown, I didn’t know you was the same person. :exploding_head: :exploding_head: :exploding_head:

I say that with love though. :blush: :blush: :blush:

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I’d like a Blackrock for my warrior and warlock (I love the idea of a Dark Horde warcaster) and a Dragonmaw skin I could use to represent a main universe Shattered Hand.

The Blackrock is supposed to be the largest clan by number.

Gods I love that clan too.

I appreciate that!

After I made Fenelon I withdrew here with Fezzy as Fenelon felt like he more aligned with my ideals on this topic.

I still post here on Fezzy once in awhile but I try to limit him to AR threads that haven’t been released yet, like Sethrak, these days.

I keep thinking I should make a few more orcs to represent the other clans. I used to be really big into Dragonmaw, Shattered Hand, Blackrock, and Laughing Skull.

That was before WoW launched though so. >.>

By the end of WCIII I had bought into Thrall’s ideals for the Horde hence I ended up with an Orc Shaman of the Blackrock.

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Mag’har make the best Dragonmaw now tho fr.

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And btw

should’ve been playable since Classic and

since Cataclysm.


Oh cool, they updated the Dragonmaw eyes.

In the SLs beta they were totally munted as a result of the disconnect of eye and face.

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I know they aren’t what many wanted and Blood Elves could be more adequately done well by our various tattoos like Farstrider, Runic, etc, but to have the jewelry there and just not usable on males seems silly especially with the state of lack luster BE customization anyways.

Personally I’d use some of the arm bands and or necklace even if I felt.

Dragonmaw while I don’t know much about Orcs in terms of the various clans are my favorite, probably because of Twilight Highlands but I like them I want to see more of them in the Horde etc, I kinda didn’t like the Garrosh storyline anyways but also how it did the Dragonmaw.


So the Elven Priest is actually a Night Elf Druid. I thought you were some random person who disagrees with High Elf Features in General for Void Elves? Another Person.

So people can’t disagree with things based off the race or the class they play, really is that really the angle you are trying to push?

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I play many characters. Fezzy isn’t even my main in all expansions.

I actually often use a character appropriate toon for most threads. Though I would say Fezzy is my main forum toon.

I do not hide such.

Some of my main ones have been: Fezzy, Fenelon, Kyuu, Morbann, Coaxial, Rezgolka and Albien.